On 2/15/10 5:56 PM, Michael wrote:
Well, this did not work. The cx23885 driver was not included in kernel
2.6.21, so no diff. The diff of the 2.6.21 cx25840 is twice as big as the
2.6.31 diff. :-(

If anybody can give me a hint, what to include in a patch and what was old
stuff that has jsut changed in 2.6.31, I'd be grateful.

Attached is the diff of cx23885, the commell version against kernel

I'm downloading kernel 2.6.21 now and make a diff with these drivers.

Start by patching the current cx23885 driver with all of the switch statements related to the new board CX23885_BOARD_MPX885.

-cards.c -core.c etc.

I already see some issues in their MPX885 additions, driving wrong gpios and assuming the encoder is attached - but it's a good start.

Steven Toth - Kernel Labs

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