
The sound comes from alsa device. Several em28xx types provide
standard USB audio. So,
snd-usb-audio handles it. That's why you need
alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:forceaudio at mplayer.

... but thats my problem.
sound doesn't appear inside mplayer, even with the command line options set to use the "external" alsa device. However, "arecord -D hw:2,0 -r 32000 -c 2 -f S16_LE | aplay -" plays the sound, but only before mplayer tried to access the sound card

When trying to play sound with arecord again after mplayer tried to access it, I have to re-plug the card to get it playing sound over arecord again, video only seems to not break it. There is no error message or something in arecord when it's not playing anything, just silence and the same command line output.

Is there maybe anything with the sample format S16_LE or something that confuses mplayer/the driver/whatever?

Strange problem...

mplayer output (mplayer -v -tv driver=v4l2:input=0:device=/dev/video1:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:forceaudio tv://):

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