Em 26-10-2010 10:58, Florian Klink escreveu:
> Hi,
>> The sound comes from alsa device. Several em28xx types provide
>> standard USB audio. So,
>> snd-usb-audio handles it. That's why you need
>> alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:forceaudio at mplayer.
> ... but thats my problem.
> sound doesn't appear inside mplayer, even with the command line options set 
> to use the "external" alsa device. However, "arecord -D hw:2,0 -r 32000 -c 2 
> -f S16_LE | aplay -" plays the sound, but only before mplayer tried to access 
> the sound card

Have you tried my patch?

If you're using alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:forceaudio at mplayer, you should not be 
running arecord/aplay. You need
to use one solution or the other.
> When trying to play sound with arecord again after mplayer tried to access 
> it, I have to re-plug the card to get it playing sound over arecord again, 
> video only seems to not break it. There is no error message or something in 
> arecord when it's not playing anything, just silence and the same command 
> line output.
> Is there maybe anything with the sample format S16_LE or something that 
> confuses mplayer/the driver/whatever?
> Strange problem...
> mplayer output (mplayer -v -tv 
> driver=v4l2:input=0:device=/dev/video1:alsa:adevice=hw.2,0:forceaudio tv://):
> http://pastebin.com/yTV300iG
> Florian
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