Linux-Misc Digest #225, Volume #21               Fri, 30 Jul 99 16:13:08 EDT

  Re: spin down HDD (Simon Hosie)
  Re: Ghost Pro (Kenny McCormack)
  Re: Which flavor of Linux to use? (Elephant)
  Re: Incorrect amount of memory... (Karl Brian Barnes)
  Re: What I think of linux. (OrangeDino)
  Re: CIA assassinations (Matthias Warkus)
  Re: Superuser (Joseph_A_Philbrook__III)
  Re: SB PCI 128 Config (OrangeDino)
  Re: Unresolved symbols in module... (Heeeeeeeez back!)
  Re: Scripting Question ("Jeff Grossman")
  kde error (Rick Goyette)
  Re: kppp setup solution! (Harri Porten)
  Re: VMELinux memory mapping (Greg Leblanc)
  boot on serial port (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
  Re: RAID1 Questions (Jon Bloom)
  Re: ppp help needed (Dan Bizuneh)
  BRU2000 PE how to exclude directories (Derek Ealy)
  Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed) ("W. Christopher Everhart")


From: Simon Hosie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: spin down HDD
Date: 31 Jul 1999 04:02:23 +1200

> problem is bdflush. kick it out.
> bdflush flushes every now and then.

Why is it that it does that all the time, even when there is nothing to
flush?  Why doesn't it check?

# Please try to quote no more than you need to show the context of your post.
# If you also quote my .Sig then I hate you and I hope you get hiccups.
# email: Gumboot, at an ISP named Clear.Net, in New Zealand.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kenny McCormack)
Subject: Re: Ghost Pro
Date: 30 Jul 1999 14:01:38 -0500

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, JM  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Does anyone know of a program for linux similar to
>GhostPro (from Binary Research) - a program to duplicate
>harddisks by creating a file image of one harddisk and
>applying this image on to another harddisk, possibly checking
>for any differences in size from the source and acting accordingly..?

cat or netcat, both of which are free.

You can do it with cat to a file, copy the file, cat it back, but the
slickest way is to put the two machines on a network (easiest is with a
crossed ethernet cable) and use netcat to copy directly from one
machine to the other.

Of course, you have to be really careful what you use for the source and destination


From: Elephant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: Which flavor of Linux to use?
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:41:54 -0700

DHobbs wrote:

> Elephant wrote:
> >
> > Hi there.
> >
> > I'm hoping to set up a dual-boot system, NT and some flavor of
> > Linux/PC-unix yet to be decided.  I was hoping some of you might have a
> > suggestion as to which variety would most likely lead to success.
> >
> > Hardware:
> > using an Intel DK440LX motherboard, 512M, 2 SCSI i/f, 2 P2-300, 66MHz
> > FSB, AGP video, RAID slot (probably won't use it tho).
> >
> > The proposed goal of this system is to experiment with commercial ECAD
> > tools as they become available on Linux, providing a more reliable,
> > low-cost alternative to NT as an in-house engineering environment.
> >
> > Possible barriers are the stability of Linux video drivers, the bizarre
> > SCSI BIOS on the motherboard, and the prevailing corporate wind from
> > Micro$oft.
> >
> > I'd like a well-supported PC-unix that takes appropriate advantage of
> > multiple processors and coexists peacefully in dual-boot.  So far I'm
> > leaning towards Solaris x86 or SCO.  Any thoughts?
> >
> > -- Elephant
> I have both Solaris 2.7 x86 and a couple versions of Linux.  I use Linux
> on my SMP box and used to use Solaris on a single processor machine
> until I did some timing testing and found that Redhat Linux beat the
> snot out of it for speed.

I heard Redhat doesn't do multiprocessor support; will try to verify if this
is the case.

> If you want to find out about "which Linux" then go to
> or and get one of the bundle packs with all the
> distributions (about $10) and load and play with each and see which one
> meets YOUR needs best.
> Dan

Thanks for the tip.  And thanks to those who replied via e-mail (you know who
you are...:), I appreciate the feedback.

-- Elephant


From: Karl Brian Barnes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: Incorrect amount of memory...
Date: 30 Jul 1999 18:50:31 GMT

Thanks to everyone. The mem=<amount> in LILO fixed the problem.

"Gert Wollny" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 

>Karl Barnes wrote:
>> 1) I cannot get the build to see more than 16MB of memory. I 
tried rebuilding
>> the kernel, but that didn't help. I don't see anything in the 
FAQs, Read Me's
>> or MAN pages about this. Suggestions and pointers to 
information would be
>> appreciated.
>Does the bios see more than 16 MB? I recently installed a 64 MB 
>and put it in the wrong slot (3rd instead of 1st) and so the 
>didnt see more than 16Mb (Was a GIGABYTE Board). Putting the Dimm 
>into right position solved the problem.
>There are three sorts  of mathematicians: 
>The first one is able to count till three, the second one is not. 
>Max-Planck-Institute of Cognitive NeuroSience


From: OrangeDino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.linux,alt.linux.sux,alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: What I think of linux.
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 02:38:25 -0400

Today is still a lot like to talking about whether Linux is better than Windoze
or not.  That make me a bit of curious, is there a lot of computer guru in the
world?  As computer is so popular today and the concept of FreePC is growing in
market.  Would you think the businessmen would allias with M$ to paying the
quite a lot license fee for yelling Windoze is the best.  If a PC can be below
US$300 (of course not a good one),  to pay M$ for US$80 at least.  You think
that they are working for themselves or M$.  Trend have been change. " Which is
best"  is not the first consideration in the commercial world.  Windoze can
dominate the market these years has proved this.  Linux is the gimmick is the
fact.  The period "Windoze = Computer " would gone forever.

Chris Costello wrote:

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>I'm 30, and started using Linux in 1995.  But from 1997 on, I'd been using
> >>FreeBSD almost exclusively.  It'd be interesting to have someone take a
> >>survey on a web site.  I think a quick guestimation would be that the
> >>average age of FreeBSD users are 10 years greater than those of Linux
> >>users.
> > I am new to all this. <G>
> > How is FreeBSD better than Linux?
> > Can apps written for Linux run under FreeBSD...
> > and vise versa?
>    Linux binaries can be run under FreeBSD.
> > And.. I am guessing that FreeBSD is "free", right?
>    Yes.  Many (myself included) would argue that FreeBSD is more
> free than Linux.
> > John
> > ---------------
> > Remove SPAMNO from address to reply
> --
> |Chris Costello
> |If the code and the comments disagree,
> |then both are probably wrong.  - Schryer
> `----------------------------------------


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Matthias Warkus)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy,gnu.misc.discuss
Subject: Re: CIA assassinations
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:41:07 +0200

It was the 30 Jul 1999 16:06:54 +0100...
..and Phillip Lord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> "MK" == MK  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   MK> Nope. There was only vulgar October Putch in Russia, funded with
>   MK> German money who helped Lenin to get power in order to get
>   MK> Russia off Germany's back in WWI.
>       Obviously this is your spin on things. Personally I wouldnt 
> necessarily see it this way, but you are entitled to your opinion. I
> think thought that you are judging from future events rather than what
> happened at the time. The appearance of Stalin and totalitarianism
> doesnt invalidate what happened in 1917, anymore than the storming of
> the bastille, and the Paris commune are invalidated by the bloody
> tyranny which followed them closely. 

You don't get it, do you? I don't agree with MK's position, but the
1917 October revolution was most definitely not a revolution supported
by the people.

Ah, and yes, the Bastille was never stormed. It capitulated after
firing a single shot and was then torn down by paid demolition

Troll, troll, troll your post
Gently down the feed
Merrily, merrily troll along
A life is what you need...


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Joseph_A_Philbrook__III)
Subject: Re: Superuser
Date: 30 Jul 1999 19:12:30 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Darren S Paxton  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>How do I set up a user account with Administration capabilities. I would
>like to get one set up due to the obvious dangers of running as root,
>and would rather be able to run an SU account on a 'normal' user

Ummmmnnn Don't get me wrong, I'm not exactly THE authority on this...


Isn't the dangers of running as root mostly because the "Administration
capabilities" of the root account mean that your always carrying a loaded
permission level. I mean if you screw up. If you run some program you
THOUGHT was safe. If... The very "Administration capabilities" make it easy
to corrupt something you wish you hadn't...

If you set up a "regular account" that has rootlike permisions, it can do
rootlike dammages. 

However if you set up an ordinary user account for yourself it can't
do more than ordanary dammage... And if you need to do an admin function,
all you need is to get to any command prompt (console, xterm, etc...)
and type 


hit enter and then enter the root password. bingo you are temporarily root.
Just do the admin task, then logout in the usual way <exit> and poof
your back to your regular self, and can get back to what you were doing and
without a worry about the risk of running as root...

        ---   ___
        <O>   <->    Joe (theWordy) Philbrook
          \___/      < [EMAIL PROTECTED] >


From: OrangeDino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: SB PCI 128 Config
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 1999 02:15:49 -0400

PCI128 should be ESS1370, that is it is the same chipset of SB PCI64.  I am
using Ensoniq PCIAudio, it is ESS1371.  Wish that is some help for you.

David wrote:

> I just got a new PCI 128 card for my machine but I'm not sure which
> driver I should use.  I left the kernel compiled with the old AWE64 card
> I had to see if that would work to no avail.  The linux hardware
> compatibility howto says it's supported but how do I get it working?
> Please help.
> P.S.  I'm using SuSE 6.1 with kernel 2.2.10


From: Heeeeeeeez back! <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system,comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: Unresolved symbols in module...
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 16:46:59 +0100

In comp.os.linux.misc Allen Ashley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Make clean does not erase the modules in /lib/modules/<whatever>. You have to
> do that manually. If you are wary of this step, then rename the directory
> before you do make modules_install. The error messages at boot are harmless,
> but I don't like them either. I can't explain why the >>defiles came up
> empty, I do it all the time.

On my system, detmod was sending its output to stderr rather than stdout..

So you were redirecting the wrong output stream...
( >>& defiles would have worked.... In tcsh anyway)
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a   |
|                           |graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|   Andrew Halliwell BSc    |operating system originally  coded for a 4 bit |
|            in             |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company,that|
|     Computer Science      |       can't stand 1 bit of competition.       |
|GCv3.12 GCS>$ d-(dpu) s+/- a C++ US++ P L/L+ E-- W+ N++ o+ K PS+  w-- M+/++|
|PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ X+/X++ R+ tv+ b+ DI+ D+ G e++ h/h+ !r!|  Space for hire |


From: "Jeff Grossman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: msn.computingcentral.os.linux
Subject: Re: Scripting Question
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:42:40 -0700

This is exactly what I want to do.  But I am pretty new to this.  Do I just
put these commands in a file and make the file executable?  And then just
run the file in a cron job everyday?

One more question.  If I set it up in a cron job, and the wget does not
retreive the file, is there a way that I could set it up to try again if it
receives a certain error code?


Jeff Grossman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

J Rappe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Jeff Grossman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >I have a scripting question.  Not sure if this would be done in Perl or
> >something else.  But here is what I need to do:
> >
> >1.  I need to keep the last 5 versions of a file.  I was thinking of just
> >renaming the files, i.e. prev1, prev2, prev3, prev4, etc.
> >2.  So, I need to delete the last one, and rename all of the ones down
> >number.
> >3.  I need to run a program that will ftp download a file.  And that will
> >become the first file.
> one way would be
> #!/bin/sh
> mv prev3 prev4; mv prev2 prev3; mv prev1 prev2; mv foo prev1
> wget ftp://whatever/foo
> --
> -john Finally the day came when I did desparately want a job.
> jrappe@ I needed it.  Not having another minute to lose,
> bigfoot. I decided that I would take the last job on earth,
> com that of messenger boy. -- Henry Miller


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Goyette)
Subject: kde error
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 13:07:28 -0500

I keep getting this error message after i type xinit:

kdepath=/usr/bin: Command not found.
kdepath: Undefined variable.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

R. J. Goyette
Argonne National Laboratory


From: Harri Porten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake,alt.os.linux.caldera,comp.os.linux.setup
Subject: Re: kppp setup solution!
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 17:27:48 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Jim Quinones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have tried both of your suggestions. I am still unable to connect
> using

The posted solution was meant to solve timeout errors. Your problem is a
different one.

> Caldera 3.0 with KPPP. I have tried a couple of modems and I'm still
> getting the  "the ppp daemon died unexpectedly". The log says that
> the CHAP authentication failed. I know that I am putting in the
> correct ID and Password (I'm the Remote access administrator) .
> Do you have any other suggestions?

Read the CHAP documentation that comes with pppd. Especially Microsofts
CHAP version might require special attention.


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Greg Leblanc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware,redhat.kernel.general
Subject: Re: VMELinux memory mapping
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 18:51:33 GMT

Try the Sun or Sparc newsgroups.  They'll have more knowledge of VME bus
technology.  I'd ask on the sunhelp mailing list.
In article <7nnlqb$hhn$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Thomas Hutchins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am realtively new to Linux and I need to memory map a device in
Linux for
> a VME bus system.  I have the driver loaded for VMELinux. I was
> if anyone can help me?
> ------------------  Posted via SearchLinux  ------------------

It's pronounced "sexy" not "scuzzy"!

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Gullik Bjønnes)
Subject: boot on serial port
Date: 30 Jul 1999 21:02:27 +0200

I have been trying to get all the information from boot written to the
serial port, but have so far failed. Lilo writes to ttyS0, but I am
unable to make the kernel do the same.

Support for console on serial port is set.

boot = /dev/fd0
# Linux bootable partition config begins
image = /zImage
initrd= /boot/initrd.gz
append="kbd-reset init=/bin/ash console=/dev/ttyS0"
root = /dev/ram0
  label = linux

I have tried with console=ttyS0 too.

Any clues?



From: Jon Bloom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: RAID1 Questions
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 16:20:32 -0400

> I am running RH 6.0, with kernel 2.2.10 and am trying to add
> mirroring.  I read the Software-RaidHOWTO and compiled the kernel with
> RAID1 support.  I created the raidtab file just as shown in the HOWTO.
> Unfortunately, when I try to start RAID on md0, it doesnt work becaus
> my drive is mounted.
> My questions are:
> Can I add RAID1 to my root drive, even while it is mounted?

No. At least, I couldn't find any way of doing so. To set up RAID-1
recently I temporarily added a third drive to the machine, installed
Linux on that drive, booted it, set up the RAID device on the other two
drives, copied the installed Linux over onto the new RAID device, edited
/etc/fstab to make the RAID device the new root, created a new initrd
(that included loading the raid1.o module so I could mount md0 as root)
and updated LILO accordingly to generate the proper boot params. (Yes,
it's as much of a pain as it sounds.)

> What's the
> best and safest way of doing this?
> Also, the raidtab file specifies partitions being mirrored.  I would
> like to mirror the whole drive which has two partitions and a swap
> space.  How do I go about doing that?

I don't think you can do swap. There's a note in the software RAID HOWTO
that says you can't, anyway. If you're worried about drive failover I
don't know of any solution except to run without swap. (Or use hardware

As for the other partition, you could just set up the second drive with
the exact same partition table and then make each pair of partitions
(sda1/sdb1, sda2/sdb2, etc) into a separate RAID device. You end up with
the same number of resulting mountable partitions as you have now.

Jon Bloom, KE3Z
Electronic Publications Manager (Software, CD-ROMs and Web site)


From: Dan Bizuneh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: ppp help needed
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 11:38:04 -0600

Jacek M. Holeczek wrote:

> Hi,
> I just started my first ppp client ( a small RH5.2/i386 box + a modem ).
> On principle it works, but I have met some problems :
> 1. I start it on demand using "/usr/sbin/usernetctl ppp0 up", then it
>    connects to the provider and gets a new "ip" address and "hostname"
>    ( before the connection is established, it's "localhost.localdomain" ).
>    I stop it using "/usr/sbin/usernetctl ppp0 down", then it disconnects,
>    the "ip" address is gone, but the "hostname" is not restored to the
>    original "localhost.localdomain", it is left as it was during the last
>    "connection".

I don't know if this works for you, but  as soon as you get connectedto your
ISP, open the network-configurator and do "save". This will
probably restore the host name back to localhost.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Derek Ealy)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: BRU2000 PE how to exclude directories
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 03:18:41 GMT


I've figured out that there was a copy of BRU2000 included with my
RedHat 5.1 Distribution. By selecting backup options I can make
entries in the bruxpat file which supposedly will include the
directories I want to backup and exclude the ones I don't. But this
isn't working BRU seems to just backup everything without regard to
the dirs and filesystems I wasnt backed up. I do have the option skip
mounted file systems selected. However I figured that since I
specifically requested certain dirs be backed up (the top level of the
other filesystems) that they would be included. By the same token the
dirs I specified for exclusion are getting backed up anyway. 

Obviously there must be something that I'm misunderstanding about how
to use this program. Can someone clue me in please?

Thanks, Derek

Here is a copy of bruxpat:

is /
is /boot
is /home
is /usr
is /usr3
xs /home/derek/.netscape/cache
xs /home/curtis/.netscape/cache
xs /home/jealy/.netscape/cache
xs /home/testid/.netscape/cache
xs /root/.netscape/cache
xs /home/derek/px
xs /home/derek/temp
xs /tmp
xs /var/tmp

and here is brutab:

# BRUTAB Globals
# Devices
/dev/st0 devname="4.0GB DAT drive" \
     size=3GT bufsize=32k \
     shmseg=7 shmmax=256k \
     reopen rawtape tape shmcopy rewind autoscan \
     fmtcmd="mt -f /dev/st0 erase" \
     rfmcmd="mt -f /dev/st0 fsf" \
     bfmcmd="mt -f /dev/st0 bsf" \
     retencmd="mt -f /dev/st0 reten" \
     rewindcmd="mt -f /dev/st0 rewind" \
     eodcmd="mt -f /dev/st0 seod" \

/dev/nst0 devname="12.0GB DAT drive - norewind" \
     size=0 bufsize=20k \
     shmseg=5 shmmax=128K \
     reopen rawtape tape norewind noautoscan shmcopy \
     fmtcmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 erase" \
     rfmcmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 fsf" \
     bfmcmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 bsf" \
     retencmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 reten" \
     rewindcmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind" \
     eodcmd="mt -f /dev/nst0 seod" \

# /dev/null device, useful for testing
/dev/null devname="Bit Bucket" \
     size=0 bufsize=20k \
     norewind noautoscan

- devname="stdin/stdout" \
     size=0 bufsize=20k \
     norewind noautoscan

Remove nospam from my email address when replying to 
me. My email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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From: "W. Christopher Everhart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,comp.os.linux.development.apps
Subject: Re: Magic SysRq (was Re: Linux has finally crashed)
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 19:38:54 GMT

TurkBear wrote:


[ snip ]

> Yes, it was used when connected to a mainframe terminal session and could be
> used as an 'interrupt' type command that would allow you to issue system
> commands - like log off, when the app was hanging or otherwise 'acting up'
> It probably had more uses, but that would take a mainframe user to answer...

Let's see...If I can remember correctly, back from my mainframe days, It functioned
a bit like the key on VT terminals that would allow you to break your session and
return to the terminal server, so you could connect to another parallel session.

The big reason for having it is because on a mainframe terminal, unlike
PCs/Unix/VMS, nothing actually gets sent to the mainframe until you press ENTER, a
function key, or the SysRq key.  Therefore, you couldn't really have any kind of
CTRL-key combination.

W. Christopher Everhart
Senior Systems Analyst
Christiana Care Health System



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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