Linux-Misc Digest #236, Volume #25               Tue, 25 Jul 00 18:13:02 EDT

  GO2CALL.COM and firewall (Laetus)
  Re: Dev listings question (-ljl-)
  Re: Operating systems for personal-computers? (Doc Shipley)
  Re: ./configure problem (Dirk Reckmann)
  Can't login through anything but FTP ("Aric")
  Re: xfs fails during start up (Robert Sparr)
  Re: Operating systems for personal-computers? (Kelly and Sandy)
  Re: ps output (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Application required - Word Processor ("Wes Westberg")
  Starting with Windows or Linux (Andy)
  Re: Starting with Windows or Linux (Marc)
  Re: Starting with Windows or Linux (Robert Heller)
  Re: soundblaster live driver install (Marc)
  Re: Help! DNS-Problem! (Barry Margolin)
  Re: CFLAGS: optimize for i586 (Martin Herrman)
  Re: monitor sync / startx problem ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Linux Distros Security Report. (blowfish)
  Re: is oracle free on linux(once for all or for a limited time) (Dances With Crows)
  Re: Linux & free ISPs (mst)
  Re: soundblaster live driver install
  Re: Can't login through anything but FTP ("David ..")


From: Laetus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: GO2CALL.COM and firewall
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 18:01:16 GMT

Quick overview.  I can't get my WIN2K machine (IP on my
home network) to work with GO2CALL.  I'm behind a Linux firewall
running IPCHAINS to masq the backend of the network. Chain rules:

:input ACCEPT
:forward DENY
:output ACCEPT
-A forward -s -d -j MASQ

I'm also doing portforwarding with the following rules:

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L firewall's.incoming.ip.address
\ 2090 -R 2090
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L firewall's.incoming.ip.address
\ 2091 -R 2091
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P udp -L firewall's.incoming.ip.address
\ 2090 -R 2090
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P udp -L firewall's.incoming.ip.address
\ 2091 -R 2091

where firewall's.incoming.ip.address is the outside NIC of the firewall
and is the IP of my WIN2K workstation.

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -ln reports:

prot    localaddr      rediraddr        lport rport pcnt pref
UDP    firewall ip    2091  2091  10  10
UDP    firewall ip    2090  2090  10  10
TCP    firewall ip    2091  2091  10  10
TCP    firewall ip    2090  2090  10  10

I've successfully used DIALPAD.COM doing autoforwarding using these
rules which work fine:

/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -u -r udp 51200 51201 -c tcp
7175 /usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -u -r tcp 51210 51210 -c tcp 7175

Anyone got any ideas why GO2CALL.COM won't work?  I'd really
appreciated it.  Thanks,

-- laetus

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From: -ljl- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Dev listings question
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 18:14:57 GMT

In article <8lk84q$l6a$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> I have a Redhat 6.1 machine that I have installed an Adaptec 2930 SCSI
> card in.  Redhat detected the card and I think it installed the kernal
> add on correctly.  Attached to this SCSI card I have an 8mm tape drive
> and an SCSI hard drive.  I am trying to figure out if any of the
> entries under /dev actually point to the devices attached to the SCSI
> card.  I have tried doing a tar to any st* or nst* listing under dev
> and I get no drive activity.
> Is there a way to find out what dev entries go to what devices and if
> Linux has made the link?

Do "dmesg | less" and see what you kernel says, or you should find the
same info in "/var/log/messages".  You'll see you SCSI card detected
snd then the devices.  My DAT shows up as st0 in the above files.

If "st" (SCSI Tape) support is a module then "lsmod" should list it.
Also, "cat /proc/scsi/scsi" might help.

Louis-ljl-{ Louis J. LaBash, Jr. }

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Before you buy.


From: Doc Shipley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Operating systems for personal-computers?
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 18:21:32 GMT

raf wrote:
> I don't know about his grandmother, but I loaded Gobe Productive into my
> grandmother's 4.5.2 and she's off writing her life stories complete with
> pictures from 1922.  Wait till she discovers the internet.

  We wanna read it!

 Doc Shipley
   Network Stuff
      Austin, Earth


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dirk Reckmann)
Subject: Re: ./configure problem
Date: 25 Jul 2000 18:40:15 GMT

Michael Seringhaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>it does a lot of tests (i.e. checking to see if gcc works .... yes,
>checking to see if timestamp accepts input.... yes, etc etc for about 2
>minutes) , and exits without an error,

Why do you think, .config is wrong, when it's not telling you?

>but then "make" does not work (it
>says "make: command not found").

That seems as is you didn't install the "make" - program. It's most
probably in an file called make-<version>.rpm on you RedHat CDs.

>It seems to be running all the
>preliminary tests but never getting around to creating the "make" file
>for the program I want to install

./configure is usually building a file called "Makefile". This is
later interpreted by the make application, which is then calling the

Hope, that helps.



From: "Aric" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't login through anything but FTP
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:55:34 -0500

I am using RedHat 6.2 and the other night everything was working fine.  2
days later after not touching anything I can't login through telnet or at
the system.  I can login through FTP though.  Any hints?  I have never heard
of anything like this before so any help would be greatly appreciated.


From: Robert Sparr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.misc,comp.os.linux.x,redhat.x.general
Subject: Re: xfs fails during start up
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 11:58:17 -0700


I had found that /etc/rc.d/init.d/xfs was failing to unlock xfs at
shutdown.  I could boot into runlevel 3, unlock xfs and start is
manually, and then either do startx or /usr/bin/gdm -daemon and go into

The unsolved mystery became why xfs no longer got unlocked.  But it is
true that my /tmp directory was full.  (Actually, my / partition was
full -- I ran an RPM that tried to install a few new directories there
and filled up the 256MB that Red Hat recommended I allocate there at

Cleaning out the / partition solved the problem.  /var/lock/subsys/xfs
now gets deleted properly at shutdown and starts up at boot time.  I can
boot directly into runlevel 5.

Thank you, everyone, for your help!  It is amazing how much you can
learn by having a few problems.

Robert H. Sparr                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SkyPilot Network, L.L.C.       <URL goes here>


From: Kelly and Sandy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Operating systems for personal-computers?
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:15:22 +0100

In a alt.os.linux.mandrake newsletter entitled "Operating systems for
personal-computers?", Piers B. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>What does your grandmother do with her computer??????????/

    She  writes her books, the story of her family from before the First
World War up to the present day.    She   makes   up   A4   adverts  and
flyers  for  the pensioners  group.  She makes A4 adverts and flyers for
her branch of the Socialist Worker Party.  She writes snail-mail  on  it
for official  correspondence.  And  email,  of course.  Researches stuff
on the Web.  Her husband keeps track of the finances and  does  the  tax
on   it.    He   writes   up   his  mathematical   papers   neatly -- in
Mathematica notebooks -- and runs the Chess Club newsletters.  They both
compose  and  send   out   pictures  from the scanner and digital camera
using it.



/*               C A U T I O N   E X P L O S I V E   B O L T S
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//  Kelly and Sandy Anderson  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: ps output
Date: 25 Jul 2000 19:16:43 GMT

On 25 Jul 2000 17:39:46 GMT, Claudia Bondila wrote:
>Can someone tell me what is the difference between:
>100 S bruceb   13313 13309  0  60   0    -   584 read_c Jul17 pts/2
>00:00:00 [tcsh] 
>100 S fja      14496 14492  0  60   0    -   624 read_c Jul17 pts/4
>00:00:00 -tcsh
>What the right brackets mean?

A process shown like [this] has been swapped out to disk.  

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /   Tyranny is always better organized     /    than freedom.
=============================/              ==Charles Peguy


From: "Wes Westberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.msdos.apps
Subject: Re: Application required - Word Processor
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 14:54:06 -0400

I don't know if anyone else tried that download, but I could only get it to
run under Windows 95. Maybe it was because I didn't have Word 5.0 for dos.
Richard Slobod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Onifer) wrote:
> >On Mon, 10 Jul 2000 13:29:38 -0400, Richard Slobod
> >>Microsoft Word for DOS 5.5 is available directly from Microsoft's
> >>website:
> >
> >This is just an update for Word for DOS 5.0 users.  I doubt it will run
> >itself (unless you have Word for DOS 5.0).
> Microsoft never released any 5.0 to 5.5 upgrade of that type (although I
> believe there was a special upgrade _price_) and I can't imagine them
> to the trouble of putting one together now; I'm sure that download
> the complete set of Word 5.5 install files.  It's certainly large enough.
> Ironically enough, that would mean that there's actually a complete copy
> Word 5.0 included as well (run "SETUP 5.0" instead of simply "SETUP"),
> although I wouldn't suggest using it given its file-corrupting Y2K bug.


Subject: Starting with Windows or Linux
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:30:03 GMT

I am just learning linux so i need to get into windows for other files how 
can  i start my computer with a choice of linux or windows?

Posted via CNET


Subject: Re: Starting with Windows or Linux
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:35:36 +0200

Andy wrote:
> I am just learning linux so i need to get into windows for other files how
> can  i start my computer with a choice of linux or windows?
> --
> Posted via CNET

These are the possibilities
1) Boot Linux using a boot floppy.
2) Install the Linuxloader (LILO) which gives you the possibility to
boot several OS'.
3) Install Loadlin to boot from Windows into Linux.



Logica: De kunst om het vol overtuiging bij het verkeerde eind te
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From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Starting with Windows or Linux
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:38:34 GMT

  In a message on Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:30:03 GMT, wrote :

A> I am just learning linux so i need to get into windows for other files how 
A> can  i start my computer with a choice of linux or windows?

Yes.  This is called 'dual booting'.  Note: Linux can read MS-Windows

A> --
A> Posted via CNET

Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


Subject: Re: soundblaster live driver install
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:44:27 +0200

> i downloaded the linux driver emu10k1---put it on floppy
> which file do you install it in?
> read a few tutorials and i cant make heads or tails of all this mess.
> thanks
> --
> Posted via CNET

What kind of file did you download?
If you have a RPM or a Gzip file you'l have to install it the normal

Normally the driver resides in
You'l have to invoke it by modprobe emu10k1.



Logica: De kunst om het vol overtuiging bij het verkeerde eind te
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From: Barry Margolin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,de.comp.os.unix.linux.misc,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: Help! DNS-Problem!
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 19:50:54 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Steffen 'Mugge' Chmil  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Barry Margolin wrote:
>> That doesn't sound like evidence of forwarding.  Even a forwarding name
>> server caches the results it got.  It only forwards when the data isn't in
>> its cache, which is the same circumstances that a non-forwarding server
>> will query one of the registered servers.
>> It sounds more like the servers on network 1 are stealth secondary servers,
>> not forwarding servers.
>The interval right/bad ip on network 2 is longer than a normal
>cache-update interval. It seems to be that [ns2] is in
>forward-only-mode, although the registered servers have updated with new
>records, [ns2] needs hours to get the new information (as long as I get
>"...can't find x.y.z. : Server failed").

You'll have to ask the operator of ns2 what's going on.  It sounds like
it has something misconfigured about your domain, or it's forwarding to a
server with that misconfiguration.

Barry Margolin, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Genuity, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Martin Herrman)
Subject: Re: CFLAGS: optimize for i586
Date: 25 Jul 2000 20:06:35 GMT

On Sun, 23 Jul 2000 23:12:30 GMT, A Guy Called Tyketto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>       This will work, but also take into account, that this is also
> COMPILER dependent. the latest gcc (2.95.*) will handle this, as well as
> pgcc. egcs, and gcc-2.7.2.* will not understand the -march and -mcpu
> flags, IIRC. So before using this, check to see which compiler you have
> installed.

Thanks guys! "gcc -v" shows:

Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/egcs-2.91.66/specs
gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

So I think it will work?

Yes, it works.. the program compiles and the rpm works. BUT! I have a
new question: still the rpm is called *.i386.rpm. Why isn't it an
i586 rpm? And how can I solve this?

thanks again!


Linux Gebruikers Handleiding v1.2 :
Linux RedHat 6.1 Kernel 2.2.14  Toshiba P233 MHz, 32 Mb RAM
10:00pm up 21 days, 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.86, 0.61, 0.28
Western Civilization, that would be a good idea!


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.x,redhat.x.general,linux.redhat.misc
Subject: Re: monitor sync / startx problem
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 20:22:06 GMT

I Had the same probleme.

I noticed that, my root file system was 100% full, that why xfs failed
during boot process.

I cleaned up my / filesystem, and all was OK.


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Before you buy.


From: blowfish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: ..
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.suse,
Subject: Linux Distros Security Report.
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:48:55 -0700

Major Linux distros security report.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dances With Crows)
Subject: Re: is oracle free on linux(once for all or for a limited time)
Date: 25 Jul 2000 20:59:44 GMT

On Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:10:36 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>hello all,
>    I just would like to know whether the oracle available on linux is
>an evaluation copy or is it free once for all

There's nothing I can find that indicates the version available for free
download will expire at some point.  I *think* that the free download is
limited in the number of simultaneous connections it will accept and the
total size of the database.  Haven't really tried to exceed those limits
myself... yet.

If you don't need the special features of Oracle, you'd be better off
using MySQL or Postgres, since those are (or soon will be) Free, no
doubt about it.

Matt G|There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
Brainbench MVP for Linux Admin /   Tyranny is always better organized     /    than freedom.
=============================/              ==Charles Peguy


Subject: Re: Linux & free ISPs
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 17:07:10 -0400

> Try this page

Great! Thanks! It's exactly what I was looking for. They just don't have
a news server - bummer!



Subject: Re: soundblaster live driver install
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:30:03 GMT

Marc wrote:
> > 
> > i downloaded the linux driver emu10k1---put it on floppy
> > which file do you install it in?
> > read a few tutorials and i cant make heads or tails of all this mess.
> > thanks
> > 
> > --
> > Posted via CNET
> >
> What kind of file did you download?
> If you have a RPM or a Gzip file you'l have to install it the normal
> way.
> Normally the driver resides in
> /lib/modules/<kernelversion>/misc/emu10k1.o 
> You'l have to invoke it by modprobe emu10k1.
> regards,
> -- 
> Marc
> Logica: De kunst om het vol overtuiging bij het verkeerde eind te
> hebben.
> Remove nospam to reply

What is the normal way?
This is my first install, just trying to get everything to work for now.

thanks for the reply :)

Posted via CNET


From: "David .." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Can't login through anything but FTP
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 16:43:49 -0500

Aric wrote:
> Ok,
> I am using RedHat 6.2 and the other night everything was working fine.  2
> days later after not touching anything I can't login through telnet or at
> the system.  I can login through FTP though.  Any hints?  I have never heard
> of anything like this before so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Was it connected to the net for those 2 days?
If YES, then it may have been CRACKED into.

Just a thought.
Confucius say: He who play in root, eventually kill tree.
Registered with the Linux Counter.
ID # 123538



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