Linux-Misc Digest #374, Volume #26               Thu, 23 Nov 00 09:13:02 EST

  Re: IE for Unix Help Page (Erik de Castro Lopo)
  Re: How is a module properly loaded during bootup? (Villy Kruse)
  Install Linux without erasing NT4 boot ("cib")
  Re: E-mail client (Santosh Kumar Pasi)
  Re: want to learn assembly language on linux (LuisMiguel Figueiredo)
  Re: Blackbox cycle possible? (Kevin Hayes)
  Re: Limiting the bandwidth (David)
  Rescan SCSi-Bus ("Tobias Dresbach")
  No list of process with ps ("Olivier Thomas")
  Re: Motd and mail on login ("Peter T. Breuer")
  Re: want to learn assembly language on linux (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: Linux Kernel (Andrew Purugganan)
  Re: Linux Kernel (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: No list of process with ps (Robert Heller)
  Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :) ("Tim Banner")
  Databases in Linux (Redhat) (Freelancer)
  Re: Database in Redhat Linux (Blair Kenneth Adamache)
  Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :) (Neil Cherry)
  Re: To all Linux Printing Gurus -- Interesting Problem! 
  Re: Rescan SCSi-Bus (Neil Cherry)
  Re: Netscape & cable 'net access? (waciuk)
  Re: To all Linux Printing Gurus -- Interesting Problem! (Neil Cherry)


From: Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IE for Unix Help Page
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 07:54:56 GMT

Hal Burgiss wrote:

Now THAT is funny.

     Erik de Castro Lopo     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Spook bait:
heroin Albright terrify extradite packages uranium 
airport terminal Yeltsin code kill blast president 
train station Clinton opium nitro money sneak hash 
keep secret DEA smuggle FBI get caught execute LSD 
assassinate NSA terrorize bombed encrypt plutonium


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: How is a module properly loaded during bootup?
Date: 23 Nov 2000 08:00:32 GMT

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 02:10:35 GMT,

>I've gotten my ide HP9100 to burn cd's under RH 6.2 but I must load
>the ide-scsi module manually with
>"insmod /lib/modules/2.2.14-5.0/scsi/ide-scsi.o" .
>What is the proper way, or where do I go to learn the proper way
>to load this module at bootup so all users can burn cd's without
>being required to load this module manually?

In my experience you need to rebuild the kernel and disable
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDECD or make CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDECD=m in the configuration.
This is the only way I have been able to make ide-scsi even see the
CD unit.

Various release of the kernel has been able to (according to rumours)
ignore the CD unit, thus alowing the ide-cd module to take over the
CD unit.



From: "cib" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Install Linux without erasing NT4 boot
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:11:04 +0100

Each time i install a partition of Linux, i get the message 'unable to find
NTDLR, make sure it is installed' when i go back to windows NT.
Can someone tell me how to save this boot of NT, instead of re-installing
again the Whole NT.


From: Santosh Kumar Pasi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: E-mail client
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:30:02 -0000

LuisMiguel Figueiredo wrote:
> I need a good email client for X11. What should i use? and why?
> tanx in advance,
> +--------------------------------+
> |elmig                           |
> ||
> |Luis.Figueiredo AT |
> +--------------------------------+

Use Netscape Mail, Kmail, Xmail, etc  or search at

Posted via CNET


From: LuisMiguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: want to learn assembly language on linux
Date: 23 Nov 2000 08:47:32 GMT


>i want to learn assembly language for x86. will someone pls recommend a
>good assembly tutorial and a good (preferably easy to use) assembler for
>linux. I'm already familiar with high level programming (C, perl etc)
>and i'd like to get into the more nitty gritty stuff

As a assembler you may use nasm. It's pretty known.

Good luck,

|elmig                           |
|Luis.Figueiredo AT |


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.mandrake
Subject: Re: Blackbox cycle possible?
From: Kevin Hayes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 23 Nov 2000 20:09:41 +1000


> Thanks! mucho appreciato. guess I should have checked freshmeat first.
> >
> > > Is it possible to cycle through open windows (ala WindowMaker,
> win9x),
> > > in Blackbox?
> > >
> > bbkeys works well, it needs a .bbkeysrc in ~/ and works really well,
> you
> > can simply edit .bbkeysrc to define your key combinations.
> >
> > ps i also use bbdate and bbmail, which work really well with blackbox,
> > definitely the fastest and best window manager i've seen...

Check out

Kevin Hayes
Freshwater, Australia


Subject: Re: Limiting the bandwidth
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 10:26:47 GMT

> Thanks for your replay,  i need exactly a tools with that specification.

Regards David


From: "Tobias Dresbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Rescan SCSi-Bus
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 22:32:28 +0100

Hi all,
i have an extern scsi cd-burner and dat connected to my debian box.
my question is how to make a scsibus-rescan so i can switch on the burner an
dat after booting the system?
under suse linux i did a "modprobe am53c974" but under debian it doesn´t
thanks in advance


From: "Olivier Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: No list of process with ps
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:12:54 -0800


When I log to root I try to see the list of my process running by typing
"ps -u root" . Since this morning I don't have this list anymore and I have
the message "No processes available". I also noticed that I had lost the
file "/var/log/messages".

However when I type "ps -u" I can only see the process launched by myself,
not the services launched at startup.

Can anybody help me how to recover the display of my processes ?

My linux box is Red Hat 6.2 .


From: "Peter T. Breuer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Motd and mail on login
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 19:00:36 +0100

vkd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Which script in linux checks mail on login and prints motd? I want to
> disable the mail check on login. Where should I look?

At your shell. Your man page might be nice.

Actually, I seem to recall that there's a catch 22 that stops you
disabling it unless .nomailfoobla is set in /etc, or other exotic
wizardry, because login attacks before the shell starts.
When you find out, you can tell us!

    MAIL   If  this  parameter  is  set  to a filename and the
           MAILPATH variable is not set, bash informs the user of the
           arrival of mail in the specified file.

etc. etc. Ah yes, from  the login man page
       If the file .hushlogin exists, then  a  "quiet"  login  is
       performed  (this  disables the checking of the checking of
       mail and the printing of the last login time  and  message
       of  the  day).  Otherwise, if /var/log/lastlog exists, the
       last login time is  printed  (and  the  current  login  is

Sorry to spoil your fun. Now why didn't YOU go look it up instead of me



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.questions
Subject: Re: want to learn assembly language on linux
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 07:17:16 -0500

> hi
> i want to learn assembly language for x86. will someone pls recommend a
> good assembly tutorial and a good (preferably easy to use) assembler for
> linux. I'm already familiar with high level programming (C, perl etc)
> and i'd like to get into the more nitty gritty stuff
> thanks
> ali

I suppose I would use /usr/bin/as, though I have never tried it.

The thing is, using an assembler is not a big deal anymore, since they
are far less powerful than they were in the past and have far fewer
capabilities than the powerful macro-assemblers of the past (e.g.,
IBM's IBMAP assembler).

The more important issue is having a good manual describing the
processor you have, so you know the architecture of the chip (and
perhaps also the caching, memory management, and memory system) for
which you are writing the program. (You will need to know the
operation-codes and what they do and how they interact, for example.)
For an Intel 80686, for example, you will probably need a manual from
Intel for that particular chip. One of the big disadvantages of using
an assembler is that the programs are not especially portable. In the
old days, they could be a lot more portable (using well-defined
machine-independent macros and a set of machine-dependent macros for
the low level stuff), but with the advent of higher level languages
(and even C is higher level in this context), there has been little
need to provide powerful macro-assemblers anymore.

If you will be writing programs in assembler, it is important to know
the operating system you will be using quite well. This is not as
important if you will be writing a small arithmetical routine, but if
you are writing an entire program, you will need to know how the
kernel calls a main program. In linux, you will need to know how to
link subroutines (especially dynamically loaded libraries).
Furthermore, unless you know the overall objectives of the OS kernel,
you may make local optimizations that defeat the overall system
operation. (You may ignore most of these issues if you are just doing
this to teach yourself about machines, but if you expect to achieve
major optimizations of programs, you will probably not get far. Modern
compilers achieve a pretty high level of optimization, and it is very
difficult to do better than that by hand coding in assembler. If
optimization is your objective, better read Jon Bentley's "Writing
Efficient Programs" (Prentice Hall, 1982) first).

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  7:00am up 1 day, 6:55, 2 users, load average: 2.09, 2.11, 2.08


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Database in Redhat Linux
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 07:39:41 -0500

Freelancer wrote:
> I need decide which database going to run for Redhat Linux.
> I know MySQL is the most popular one in Linux world. I need
> you help me to fill out the blank and hole (?) in table below.
>                         Databases for Linux (Redhat)
> Y -- yes; N -- No; NA -- not apply; ? -- don't know/not sure
> Database  Trigger/Store Procedure  Transaction  Foreign Key Constrain
> JDBC/RowSet           C/C++ Library  PerlDBI
> MySQL      N           N                          N
> N                               Y (mm.sql tyep 4)
> Y?                   Y
> Postgres      Y?          ?                           Y
> ?                                  ?                                   ?
> Informix
> Sybase
> Oracle
> DB2
> I know Oracle, Sybase, Informix and DB2 support most or all of them in
> UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc.) But I am
> not sure are they also support in Linux.
> Thank you very much if you can fill out the blanks and/or holes for me.

I took the liberty of shortening your distribution list so I would not
appear to be spamming.)

DB2 UDB V6.1 (I believe they are up to V7.1 now) on Linux has both
Triggers and Stored procedures. 
It has a very complete method of transaction processing with four
levels of isolation (Repeatable Read, Read Stability, Cursor
Stability, Uncommitted Read).
It enforces Foreign Key constraints.
I do not know what JDBC/RowSet is, since I never use Java, but DB2 has
what they call Java Database Connectivity.
There is an API for C and C++ programmers (Informix, when I used it,
had no C++ API, and this was a problem (solvable in a kludgey way) for
I know of no PerlDBI, but since the API and command line interfaces to
DB2 are well documented, I know of no reason why there could not be
one, perhaps supplied by another vendor.

If you want to know more about DB2, I suggest Don Chamberlin's book,
"A Complete Guide to DB2 Universal Database" (Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1998). I have the second edition. You might also go to and look around from
 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  7:15am up 1 day, 7:10, 2 users, load average: 2.16, 2.10, 2.08


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Purugganan)
Subject: Re: Linux Kernel
Date: 23 Nov 2000 12:44:56 GMT

Robert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

[ I was wondering if there are any good books describing how Linux kernel
[ is built up, how i can add or build my own module to the Linux kernel ?

[ How i can compile kernel ?
[ There are allot of questions should be answered, when compiling and
[ adding some module (ex: make config in /usr/src/linux). I was wondering
[ if there are a site for guiding these questions ?

[ I will really appreciate any help and guiding point web site, books
[ regarding kernel development, adding module, compilation and
[ installation.

head for, there's sections there for developer-minded folk 
like you

Registered linux user no. 164098  +--+--+--+ Litestep user no. 386
Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life


From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux Kernel
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:11:37 -0500

Andrew Purugganan wrote (in part):

> Doesn't it bother you, that we have to search for intelligent life
> --- OUT THERE??

A someone who is running two instances of setiathome on this machine
and one on my other machine, it does not bother me at all. Look where
the probability of success is the highest. ;-)

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  8:10am up 1 day, 8:05, 2 users, load average: 2.10, 2.12, 2.09


From: Robert Heller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: No list of process with ps
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:14:54 -0000

  "Olivier Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  In a message on Thu, 23 Nov 2000 12:12:54 -0800, wrote :

"T> Hi,
"T> When I log to root I try to see the list of my process running by typing
"T> "ps -u root" . Since this morning I don't have this list anymore and I have
"T> the message "No processes available". I also noticed that I had lost the
"T> file "/var/log/messages".
"T> However when I type "ps -u" I can only see the process launched by myself,
"T> not the services launched at startup.
"T> Can anybody help me how to recover the display of my processes ?
"T> My linux box is Red Hat 6.2 .

ps -ux

Do a 'man ps' for information about ALL of ps's options.


Robert Heller                        ||InterNet:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ||            [EMAIL PROTECTED]              /\FidoNet:    1:321/153


From: "Tim Banner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:27:57 -0000


I did a "cat" on a database file, and for some reason my console fonts have
changed to a symbol set.  Perhaps now my Linux server is secure from
internal persons playing with it ;)

Can anybody tell me how to change the fonts back?  Or how to reset the
console without downing the server?  I have a few other consoles which are
still readable if required.


Tim Banner - admin.bridgec*NOSPAM*
Network Administrator - Bridge College
Please remove the *NOSPAM* from the e-mail address above if you wish to
reply via e-mail.


From: Freelancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Databases in Linux (Redhat)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:47:39 -0500

I need decide which database going to run for Redhat Linux.
I know MySQL is the most popular one in Linux world. I need
you help me to fill out the blank and hole (?) in table below.

                        Databases for Linux (Redhat)
Y -- yes; N -- No; NA -- not apply; ? -- don't know/not sure

Database  Trigger/Store Procedure  Transaction  Foreign Key Constrain
JDBC/RowSet           C/C++ Library  PerlDBI
MySQL      N           N                          N
N                               Y (mm.sql tyep 4)
Y?                   Y
Postgres      Y?          ?                           Y
?                                  ?
?                    ?

I know Oracle, Sybase, Informix and DB2 support most or all of them in
UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc.) But I am not sure are they also support
in Linux.
Thank you very much if you can fill out the blanks and/or holes for me.


From: Blair Kenneth Adamache <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Database in Redhat Linux
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:35:38 -0500

Here are the answers for DB2 on Linux:

Trigger:  Yes
Store Procedure: Yes (choice of DB2 Stored Procedures Language, Java, C,
 Transaction: Yes
 Foreign Key Constraint: Yes
JDBC/RowSet: Yes
C/C++ Library: Yes
PerlDBI: Yes

Freelancer wrote:

> I need decide which database going to run for Redhat Linux.
> I know MySQL is the most popular one in Linux world. I need
> you help me to fill out the blank and hole (?) in table below.
>                         Databases for Linux (Redhat)
> Y -- yes; N -- No; NA -- not apply; ? -- don't know/not sure
> Database  Trigger/Store Procedure  Transaction  Foreign Key Constrain
> JDBC/RowSet           C/C++ Library  PerlDBI
> MySQL      N           N                          N
> N                               Y (mm.sql tyep 4)
> Y?                   Y
> Postgres      Y?          ?                           Y
> ?                                  ?                                   ?
> Informix
> Sybase
> Oracle
> DB2
> I know Oracle, Sybase, Informix and DB2 support most or all of them in
> UNIX (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, etc.) But I am
> not sure are they also support in Linux.
> Thank you very much if you can fill out the blanks and/or holes for me.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Subject: Re: Console fonts have changed to being unreadable :)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:59:11 GMT

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:27:57 -0000, Tim Banner wrote:
>I did a "cat" on a database file, and for some reason my console fonts have
>changed to a symbol set.  Perhaps now my Linux server is secure from
>internal persons playing with it ;)
>Can anybody tell me how to change the fonts back?  Or how to reset the
>console without downing the server?  I have a few other consoles which are
>still readable if required.

What I normally attempt to do is blindyly type:

echo ^V^O

Where ^V is the key sequence CTRL and V hit at the same time and ^O is
CTRL and O (the letter, oh :-) hit at the same time. I hope I
remembered that correctly. BTW there are other ways to fix it also. 

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         (Text only)           (Graphics)                         (SourceForge)


Subject: Re: To all Linux Printing Gurus -- Interesting Problem!
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 13:51:37 GMT

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 22:45:32 GMT, "Steven"

>Ok, here is the problem.
>I have 2 files in the /etc directory on a Linux RedHat 6.2 server.  One is
>named "test.prn", the other "test2.prn".  They both are the same size, both
>the exact same information.  The difference in the 2 are that one
>(test2.prn) was created via a Unix/Linux based accounting package and the
>other (test.prn) was made in vi and the opened in a programming editor
>through Samba and the contents of the first one (test2.prn) pasted in.  So
>they both show as 801 bytes, they both have the same permissions, owner, and
>group, and they are both in the same directory.  So now...  why when I print
>the first one via lpr (lpr -Ppos1prn test.prn), it prints perfectly with all
>the line feeds and everything, but when I print the second one
>(lpr -Ppos1prn test2.prn) does it totally ignore the line feeds and prints
>everything right on top of each other on one line!?  Here is the layout...

Have you done a BINARY compare on the 2 files?  I'm going to guess
that one file has linefeeds at the end of every line (UNIX EOL
behavior) while the other file has carriage returns at the end (Mac
EOL behavior).



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.hardware
Subject: Re: Rescan SCSi-Bus
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 14:01:01 GMT

On Wed, 22 Nov 2000 22:32:28 +0100, Tobias Dresbach wrote:
>Hi all,
>i have an extern scsi cd-burner and dat connected to my debian box.
>my question is how to make a scsibus-rescan so i can switch on the burner an
>dat after booting the system?
>under suse linux i did a "modprobe am53c974" but under debian it doesn´t
>thanks in advance

Look for scsi_info or scsiinfo, also had scsiadd. One of
those should help.

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         (Text only)           (Graphics)                         (SourceForge)


From: waciuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape & cable 'net access?
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 09:05:51 -0500

this url should help you

asage wrote:
> Is anybody using this combination, specifically @home?
> It browses fine, but even though I've entered 'mail' for both Pop3 and
> SMTP (and 'news' for the newsgroups), it keeps saying it can't find the
> server 'mail'.  These are the settings I use in Netscape in Windows, and
> they work in Windows; they ought to work in Linux!  Rogers doesn't
> support Linux, so no joy there.
> Additionally, I'm using Netscape 4.7-ish in both Windows and Linux.
> Any help would *really* be appreciated!
> Allison Sage


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Neil Cherry)
Subject: Re: To all Linux Printing Gurus -- Interesting Problem!
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 14:07:00 GMT

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 05:43:33 GMT, Steven wrote:
>Good call, I just noticed that even though they are the same, test2.prn has
>a [noeol] making in vi that I wasn't paying attention to.  Now for another
>question.  This output is being produced by a Unix based accounting package
>and it opens a pipe to lpr to use the lpr in Linux to print to the printer.
>Do you or anyone else have a suggestion on the fastest was to append a EOF
>onto the output before I send it to the printer?  PERL? SH?  I have the
>ability to add in a intermediate script that can do work with the file right
>before it hits the lpr statement.  I'll see what I can pull off.

I can't think of anything right off the top of my head but I'm not
sure what you're trying to do. Are you attempting to get the last page
to finishing printing then formfeed out the printer? If yes then back
to printtool, edit, input filter, and click the send EOF to finish
final page. I'm a little confused why they call it EOF (^D?).

Linux Home Automation           Neil Cherry             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                         (Text only)           (Graphics)                         (SourceForge)



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End of Linux-Misc Digest

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