Linux-Misc Digest #379, Volume #26               Fri, 24 Nov 00 09:13:01 EST

  Re: Best used box to purchase for linux system (Ketil Z Malde)
  Re: Partitions (Graham Wilson)
  Re: What to do when the console gets garbled (Villy Kruse)
  Re: LD_LIBRARY_PATH ("Conrad Drescher")
  Re: Netscape 6 (Paul Michalik)
  Handy -> PC put through -> somewhere else (Ekkard Gerlach)
  Re: Install Linux without erasing NT4 boot (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: suid (M. Buchenrieder)
  Re: Netscape 6 (Rodger Etz-Brown)
  Re: ext2 fs on magneto optical disks ("Massimiliano Caovilla")
  Sendmail 8.8.7 and ip_allow? (Tony Lawrence)
  Re: Netscape 6 (Paul Michalik)
  sendmailport redirected (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Re: Partitions (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: New To Linux - Distributions ("Adam Short")
  Re: logitech USB mouse won't work ("Anthony")
  Re: Handy -> PC put through -> somewhere else (Jean-David Beyer)
  Re: very strange "Bus error" in Netscape ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Re: Tailing files with added timestamps? (Russell Marks)
  stripping (Dirk Groeneveld)
  Re: Partitions (Derek Jolly)
  Re: Debian 2.2, VT320 and screen (Tatu Saily)


Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Subject: Re: Best used box to purchase for linux system
From: Ketil Z Malde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:10:06 GMT

Edward Rosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Oh and if anyone else reads this, is there a good 3D/OpenGL FAQ for
> Linux?

What for?  The DRI User's Guide is a good document for understanding
how 3D acceleration is supposed to work under XFree86 v4 with DRI.

Use e.g. to find it.

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants


From: Graham Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitions
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 00:18:38 -0800


> I have a measley 6Gig hard drive and I am attempting to install Linux as
> well as continue to run Win98.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas,
> such as installing a new hard drive on Win98 and then installing Linux on
> that hard drive???  Any suggestions are welcome.
> --
> Posted via CNET

The 6G hdd is more than enough to run linux with everything, even if you have
to leave half of it for the other os.  The problems come with trying to
re-partition the disk, especially if you want the other os to be there when
you are finished.

I have just installed Debian potato on a separate drive and it works
perfectly.  Also, I put a fat32 partition on the Linux drive so I can back up
the other os here.  A Linux partition on the other drive for the vice versa.
Since I had quite a few problems with the dual boot arrangement a few months
ago, I chose to leave the other os as the primary boot on drive C this time,
while I boot up Linux using a boot floppy.  The whole thing works like a
charm, and I've got room for all the partitions I want.  Recommended.  G.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Villy Kruse)
Subject: Re: What to do when the console gets garbled
Date: 24 Nov 2000 08:48:46 GMT

On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 23:24:31 -0600, Jerry Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>If you can type 'settext reset' in the blind that will fix it up.

Just "reset" works for me.  Obviously there is more than one way to do it.



From: "Conrad Drescher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:25:56 +0100


thanks for all the tips, I finally found out it was the startkde-script that
initialized LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I needed some paths added in order to get a
robotics-program running and do so now in /etc/profile. Anything wrong about
that? It does not suffice setting the path in /home/<user>/.bashrc since i
need root permissions when working.



From: Paul Michalik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape 6
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:49:34 +0100

./ line 29:  1561 Segmentation fault      $prog ${1+"$@"}

This is what I get. I'm running SuSE7.0..  Could you make it work at
last?  I think all the people responding didn't give a suggestion, did

Paul Michalik
TU Ilmenau, FG Grafische Datenverarbeitung
Langewiesener Str. 37 D-98693 Ilmenau
Office: +49 3677/691211
Mobile: +49 170/2963808


From: Ekkard Gerlach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Handy -> PC put through -> somewhere else
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 23:00:03 +0100


somebody knows how I can configure my PC (Linux) 
to put through a telephone call to another site ?
I have ISDN (two lines) with an ISDN-card and 
an analog adapter for old analog telephones an modems.

I want to dial xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyy
where xxxxxxxx is the number of my PC
and yyyyyyyy is the number the PC has to
put through. 

The aim is to save money: calls from handy to special numbers
(like my home area with my PC) 
are very cheap as well as ALL calls from home (my PC) to 
somewhere else by wire (non-radio). 

Has somebody an idea how to realise? Are there perhaps only
Windows tools for this?



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Install Linux without erasing NT4 boot
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:05:33 GMT

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (DualIP) writes:

>On Thu, 23 Nov 2000 08:11:04 +0100, "cib" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>Each time i install a partition of Linux, i get the message 'unable to find
>>NTDLR, make sure it is installed' when i go back to windows NT.

Sure, because each OS installs its own loader (unless you specified NOT
to do this).

>>Can someone tell me how to save this boot of NT, instead of re-installing
>>again the Whole NT.

You don't have to do that. All you need is to repair the boot sector.

>Don't install the LILO bootloader ,but make a Linux startup disk

Use bootpart.exe to start Linux via the NT bootloader.

Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: suid
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:28:58 GMT

"John Doe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Exactly why is this dangerous? Just wondering.


Using Linux, this is actually irrelevant, as the kernel ignores the
setUID bit on non-setUID aware shells.

Nonetheless it is a very bad idea to begin with, as it opens
up too many security risks . If you really need to have certain 
commands running as superuser, use "sudo" for this task.


Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rodger Etz-Brown)
Subject: Re: Netscape 6
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:23:51 GMT

On Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:49:34 +0100, Paul Michalik wrote: 
> ./ line 29:  1561 Segmentation fault      $prog ${1+"$@"}
> This is what I get. I'm running SuSE7.0..  Could you make it work at
> last?  I think all the people responding didn't give a suggestion, did
> they?

If I remember right you need to delete ./mozilla in your home direcotry 
(rm -r ~/./mozilla). 
Make sure to save your Bookmarks in a different place before doing this.

Good luck,


From: "Massimiliano Caovilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.development.system
Subject: Re: ext2 fs on magneto optical disks
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 12:19:19 +0100

Marc SCHAEFER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
8viudm$sog$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> In comp.os.linux.development.system Massimiliano Caovilla
> :     Any suggestions?
> There was something about the need to change the partitionning
> I don't remember what it was exactly, but maybe you can find it with
> a search engine.
> Now, to exclude that possibility, delete all partitions on that disk,
> then dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1k count=1 # /dev/sda is the right
> then REBOOT (yes) and then create your fs directly on /dev/sda, not using
> any partitionning.

    hmm... yes it already worked (as I wrote) to mkdfs the entire disk but
the block size of the mo is an hardware matter, so I can't fake it to be a
1024 if I really need to do partitioning before mkfs. Anyway, I found out
that partitioning with fdisk behaves badly on every 2k block dev, while
there is an option to tell it to avoid the problem. Thank u anyway


From: Tony Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sendmail 8.8.7 and ip_allow?
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 07:08:12 -0500

I have sendmail 8.8.7 on a Redhat 7 

I first configured sendmail using the linuxconf gui, and had one

I need to allow a particular machine inside the network to
relay.  It's an unfortunate machine; a server using the
ip address.  That server has been replaced by a new
server/network, with everything in 192.168 range.  The old server
has to keep running for another month or so, and rather than
change its ip, we put it through a router so that people can
temprarily use both servers.

So- on the new network the Redhat machine does mail.  The Windows
machines all go through  that; everything is fine.   But- the old
server has one app that sends mail, and its sendmail is pointing
through an old uucp link that we want to take down (the new Linux
server goes through a frac T1).  So, I changed its DS entry to
point at the Linux server, and added 192.1.2. (with trailing dot)
to /etc/mail/ip_allow.

The Linux sendmail refuses to relay for that server.  I tried
adding it as a specific host- -, I tried it both
through Linux conf and by manual editing, and I even manually
restarted sendmail but it kicks back anything it gets from that
old server.

Something I'm missing?

Tony Lawrence ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
SCO/Linux articles, help, book reviews, tests, 
job listings and more :


From: Paul Michalik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Netscape 6
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:59:56 +0100

Rodger Etz-Brown wrote:

> On Fri, 24 Nov 2000 11:49:34 +0100, Paul Michalik wrote:
> > ./ line 29:  1561 Segmentation fault      $prog ${1+"$@"}
> >
> > This is what I get. I'm running SuSE7.0..  Could you make it work at
> > last?  I think all the people responding didn't give a suggestion, did
> > they?
> If I remember right you need to delete ./mozilla in your home direcotry
> (rm -r ~/./mozilla).
> Make sure to save your Bookmarks in a different place before doing this.
> Good luck,

This does not help, the start-up scripts create  a new ~/.mozilla/  folder
and breaks:
Inside Migrate Profile routine.
AutoMigration failed. Let's create a default 5.0 profile.
ProfileManager : CreateNewProfile
Profile Name: default
Profile Dir: /usr/wrk/people10/paul/.mozilla
ProfileManager : CreateNewProfile
Profile Name: default
Profile Dir: /usr/wrk/people10/paul/.mozilla

Then running ./netscape,  produces the same crash as before...

Paul Michalik
TU Ilmenau, FG Grafische Datenverarbeitung
Langewiesener Str. 37 D-98693 Ilmenau
Office: +49 3677/691211
Mobile: +49 170/2963808


From: Dirk Groeneveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: sendmailport redirected
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 14:01:00 +0100


Assuming that many application need a sendmail daemon running on 
localhost (correct me if thet's not the case), I had following idea:
I could redirect sendmails ports to my server.
I wouldn't have to build, configure and maintain a copy of sendmail and 
it would save me some ram as well. In addition, it's one less spot for 
At the same time, application would feel like having their sendmail up 
and running.

Is that applicable? I would try it myself, but my system needs some work 
until I can install some of the applications I have in mind.



From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Partitions
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:08:42 -0500

> I have a measley 6Gig hard drive and I am attempting to install Linux as
> well as continue to run Win98.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas,
> such as installing a new hard drive on Win98 and then installing Linux on
> that hard drive???  Any suggestions are welcome.
> --
> Posted via CNET

What is the problem? My old machine has two hard drives, a 1.6 GByte
one and a 4.3 GByte one. When I had enough of Windows, I bought the
cheapest hard drive I could find, which was the 4.3GByte one, and
installed Red Hat Linux 5.0 on it (since upgraded to 6.0). The 6.0
version runs the X Window System and GNOME/Enlightenment, said to be
hogs, and yet that system looks like this at the moment:

touchl:jdbeyer[~]$ df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb13             1080454    703000    321630  69% /
/dev/hdb1                23300      5285     16812  24% /boot
/dev/hdb5              1624230     72294   1467998   5% /data
/dev/hdb7               272145     54168    203922  21% /home
/dev/hdb6               497667    330525    141440  70% /opt
/dev/hdb12              101075        22     95834   0% /tmp
/dev/hdb9               139962     86462     46273  65% /usr/src
/dev/hdb8               124407     16788    101195  14% /var
/dev/hda1              1584320    799136    785184  50% /w95

/dev/hdb is the 4.3 Gigabyte drive and /hda is the Windows drive.
/dev/hdb also has two 125 Megabyte swap partitions on it. (BTW, were I
starting over, I would not partition that system quite this way.)
133000 blocks of / are for the programs for IBM's DB2 rdbms in
/usr/IBMdb2, so your requirements are likely to be that much less.
/data is for the actual database of DB2. Chances are that you could
use that space more profitably for something else.

So if you can partition your Win98 partition down to 1.6 GBytes, you
should have lots of room for Linux.

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  7:55am up 2 days, 7:50, 2 users, load average: 2.20, 2.15, 2.10


From: "Adam Short" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux,comp.os.linux
Subject: Re: New To Linux - Distributions
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:09:40 GMT

Mandrake or SuSE are excellent Newbie dists. Either will install easily
without requiring hours of learning. You should, however, be familiar with
the UNIX style of environment before plunging in headfirst. If you don't,
you'll have the OS installed and running but you won't have the faintest
idea what to do with it.

No distribution will allow you to run your games in their present form. That
would be like trying to run a Windows game on a Mac. The way Linux is
organised is completely different from Windows. The software is not
interchangeable. There are however, certain programs that will allow you to
do a certain amount of limited work (or play) with Windows programs. The
best idea would be to keep Windows as well as Linux though, because these
programs are not really in a fit state as yet. They certainly won't cope
with todays games.

Mike <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:ybiT5.13365$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi everyone,
> I am thinking about downloading and installing Linux for the first time.
> am very familiar with Windows/DOS environments but from what I have
> heard/seen of Linux so far I have a feeling I am going to be pretty lost,
> but I think I would like to try it any way.
> I have found huge lists of Linux Distributions, and I am not sure which
> to get.  Bascially I use my computer for Windows based games (such as Red
> Alert 1/2, Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, C&C Tiberian Sun, and a few other
> DirectX and OpenGL based games) and the only application I use heavily is
> Microsoft Office 2000.  Can I run these things in a particular Linux
> distribtion, if so which one?
> I have an Athlon 700, 256 RAM, Geforce 2 GTS system as well.
> Can any one recommend a distribution for me?  Prefereably one that is
> novice-medium level of "difficulty" too...
> Thanks!
> Mike


From: "Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: logitech USB mouse won't work
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 21:11:04 +0800

In article <8vgq9b$qmg$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Are there any modules or other source for usb I can download to make it
> work, or is it integrated within the kernel? Any clues when 2.2.18 will
> be officially released? I totally lost track of kernel versions.

The 2.2 USB backport is going into 2.2.18.  Here is the updated info from

--- cut ---
NOTE: USB development is now being done in the 2.3 development
      kernel tree. Much of USB support has been backported and will be
      available starting with 2.2.18. It is listed a few lines below.
      USB-Storage is not supported in the 2.2 line of kernels.
--- cut ---

No one knows when will 2.2.18 be available, but since there aren't too
many issues (VM, ISOFS problems), I guess 2-3 weeks should do.

The best bet for now is try out 2.2.18pre, it's pre23 already...

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From: Jean-David Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: alt.os.linux.dial-up
Subject: Re: Handy -> PC put through -> somewhere else
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 08:12:08 -0500

Ekkard Gerlach wrote:
> Hello,
> somebody knows how I can configure my PC (Linux)
> to put through a telephone call to another site ?
> I have ISDN (two lines) with an ISDN-card and
> an analog adapter for old analog telephones an modems.
> I want to dial xxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyy
> where xxxxxxxx is the number of my PC
> and yyyyyyyy is the number the PC has to
> put through.
> The aim is to save money: calls from handy to special numbers
> (like my home area with my PC)
> are very cheap as well as ALL calls from home (my PC) to
> somewhere else by wire (non-radio).
> Has somebody an idea how to realise? Are there perhaps only
> Windows tools for this?
> thx
> Ekkard

I do not know how, offhand, but you better BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL or
crackers and drug dealers will start making a lot of toll calls to
Asia and South America on your telephone bill.

 .~.   Jean-David Beyer           Registered Linux User 85642.
 /V\                              Registered Machine    73926.
/( )\  Shrewsbury, New Jersey
^^-^^  8:10am up 2 days, 8:05, 2 users, load average: 2.26, 2.11, 2.09


Subject: Re: very strange "Bus error" in Netscape
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:05:41 GMT

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
  Erik de Castro Lopo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Roberto De Leo wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> > my Linux box started recently behaving very
strangely: when any user different
> > from me or root tries to start netscape
version 3 or 4.xx he gets always the same
> > error message, namely "Bus error", so that the
netscape window do not even show
> > up.
> >
> > The problem does not seem to depend on
configuration files as it does it even with
> > a new account I created just to check this.
The funny thing is that instead the beta
> > version of netscape6 runs fine for everyone,
except for crashing occasionally as it
> > is still very far from being stable.
> >
> > I have no idea how to solve this problem as I
cannot get enough debugging data,
> > does anyone know how to fix this annoying problem?
> I recently installed netscape 4.76 alongside my
existing netscape 3.04,
> which broke v3.04. I had exactly the same
symptoms as you. V4.76 would run
> fine but v3.04 which had run fine for years
wouldn't even pop up a window.
> It turned out that when I ran netscaoe 4.76 for
the first time it copied
> a plugin into my $HOME/.netscape/plugins
directory. This plugin was causing
> v3.04 to barf.
> Unfortunately I can't remember what the plugin
was called but I can tell
> you how to figure it out.
> In an xterm run the following command also read
the ltrace manpage):
> ltrace /path/to/executable/netscape
> This will print out all the calls netscape made
to libraries. When it
> crashes just trace back from the last line to
find the last file
> netscape opened. It should be a plugin in your
> directory.
> Once you have the plugin name you can delete it
like I did and
> everything should be fixed.
> Hope this helps,
> Erik
> --
> +-------------------------------------------------+
>      Erik de Castro Lopo     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> +-------------------------------------------------+
> "Fifty years of programming language research,
and we
> end up with C++ ???"   --Richard A. O'Keefe

Did you install the plugger plugin?
if so this is a known bug and you have to
get the sources and recompile without the
 -DDEBUG option.

Regards                 Matthias

Sent via
Before you buy.


Subject: Re: Tailing files with added timestamps?
From: Russell Marks <russell.marks@spam^H^H^H^>
Date: 24 Nov 2000 13:29:00 +0000

In case no-one else has spotted this by the time I post (SOUP tends to
give you this curious time-shifted appearance :-))...

Russell Marks <russell.marks@spam^H^H^H^> wrote:

> tail -f foobar | \
>   gawk '{printf("%s %s\n",strftime("%b %m %H:%M:%S",systime()),$0)}'
                                         ^^ d'oh! make that %d :-)



From: Dirk Groeneveld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: stripping
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 14:05:27 +0100

Hi again!

I've heard great things about "stripping" executables. It really seems 
to make a difference in file size and I don't need debugging info anyway.
My question is, does it harm to let find find all the executables on my 
system and have them stripped? The concept of altering executables 
without recompiling appears somewhat strange to me, and I don't want to 
mess up the place by stripping in the wrong place.

Thanx, Dirk


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Derek Jolly)
Subject: Re: Partitions
Date: 24 Nov 2000 13:53:07 GMT

<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, in message 

>I have a measley 6Gig hard drive and I am attempting to install Linux as 
>well as continue to run Win98.  I was wondering if anyone had any ideas, 
>such as installing a new hard drive on Win98 and then installing Linux on 
>that hard drive???  Any suggestions are welcome.

6 Gig's plenty of room to dual boot Win98 and Linux.

That's what I've got on my laptop, with 3 Gig set aside for each OS.

That gives me plenty of room to install games and demos on the Win98
partition and do the useful stuff I want to do in SuSE 7.0.
* Derek Jolly  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])                                *
* For 50/60Hz PSX Action Replay switch codes and some Speccy stuff   *
* check out my homepage on            *
* Registered Linux User ( No. 176120          *


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tatu Saily)
Subject: Re: Debian 2.2, VT320 and screen
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 13:47:53 +0000 (UTC)

>> I have a VT320 text terminal connected to my PC running Debian GNU/Linux 2.2.
>> The problem is that if I use 'screen', the programs seem to think that my
>> terminal supports colors. That makes some programs like 'lynx' and 'jed'
>> look a bit strange or even unusable.
>programs linked with slang tend to ignore the actual capabilities of the
>terminal (that's the first place I'd check, e.g., in case you have $COLORTERM
>or other such stuff in your environment).

But how come the programs work fine when i don't use 'screen'? BTW, I didn't
have this problem with my previous Linux distribution (RedHat 5.2).

And no, there is no $COLORTERM or such.

Tatu Säily -



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