Linux-Networking Digest #452, Volume #12          Thu, 2 Sep 99 16:14:07 EDT

  Re: NewBie!! help with Make (Paul D. Smith)
  Re: Linux friendly ISPs ("Todd K. Tuttle")
  FS:new Cisco 1604 w/T1 CSU/DSU $1495.00 (GbyTheSea)
  Re: New kernel, 2.2.12, causing diald to stay open ("Robert_Glover")
  Re: samba and dhcp with NO wins server?...(sort of long) (jerzy Kaltenberg)
  Re: dhcpd won't start ("Robert L. Klungle")
  Re: help NEWBIE howto access linux partitions from WinNT? ("Robert_Glover")
  Re: Q: DNS server via PPP? (Gerhard Fuernkranz)
  3com 3509 problem ("nisse")
  Jaton Communicator 56K (Mohit Tawarmalani)
  Re: Time Server ? ("Al @Work")
  Re: I've gotten on, but how do I get off???? (Clifford Kite)
  Re: Q: DNS server via PPP? (Greg Fall)
  Automating redial (ksvenbak)
  Diskless Stations using RPL bootproms ("Andrew J. Norman")
  some sites unable with linux, windows is ok ("Jane Hill")
  Re: What's IPv6 status? (Chris Salin)
  NFS mounting Linux 2.2.9 on Irix 6.5 ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Help Compiling GCC 2.95.1 (Please! :)) (John McDonald, Jr.)
  NIS and finger (Jeff Beley)
  Re: IPChains and FTP ("Cedric Blancher")


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paul D. Smith)
Subject: Re: NewBie!! help with Make
Date: 02 Sep 1999 11:08:47 -0400


  ap> i know this is really stupid but it would be great if someone told
  ap> me this!!  could anyone tell me please how to install a software
  ap> if it says i have to generate something called "make" , "makefile"
  ap> i know it has to do with compiling a C program or a C++ one but i
  ap> dunno how to install all these nice packages i downloaded for
  ap> linux from the net!  please help ! whatz up with make, makeconfig
  ap> could any one tell me more about it pleaz!

Make is a program.  It examines timestamps of various files and figures
out how to compile and link (or lots of other things) things that are
out-of-date.  You run it, by typing "make" and the shell prompt.  It
comes with your system, like the compiler or "ls" program.  You don't
generate it.

The make program reads a file called a makefile which describes _how_ a
program (or whatever) is built: what files need to be compiled, linked,
etc. etc.  When you type "make", make will look for the makefile
(usually capitalized: "Makefile") and read it automatically.

Many portable programs use a "configure" script.  This is a shell script
that pokes around in the guts of your system and determines what
features it supports (there are many different versions of Unix, and
many have interesting "quirks").  Then it customizes and creates a
makefile for your particular system.  So, you run "configure" before you
run "make".

For a large number of modern free software packages, you can do just
this and they build from source correctly:

  $ ./configure
  $ make

Use "make install" to install the results of the build on your system so
you can use them.

Most free software packages come with both README and INSTALL text files
that explain the nuances of building them.  Read them.  All of them.

 Paul D. Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.


From: "Todd K. Tuttle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Linux friendly ISPs
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 07:57:33 -0500


Thanks for the information. Unfortunately I have tried all the suggestions.
The authentication is PAP and a Cisco default aysnc mode interactive login.
I know this because I am the ISP doing the dial in :^). The router will not
send PPP characters until you start an exec ppp session. Unless you set it
to async mode dedicated, then you won't get the username and password
authentication. I will try it though to see what I get.

I would like to get a script that works for Linux, as I support and use
Linux servers. So I will hold off on the wvdial until a last resort.

Thanks again,

David D. Shochat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> "Todd K. Tuttle" wrote:
> >
> > I have been trying to get a Linux PPP connection to go for 3 days
> > now. Probably well over 30 hours of fruitless trial and error. It seems
> > it should be simple connect, but trying every combination, trick and
> > trick, it just sits there. Of course I can configure a connection  with
> > Windows or Mac in under a minute. Probably most ISPs can connect up a
> > PPP, except it soooooooooooooo @#$%@#^&^ ridiculously hard that it's not
> > worth the effort.
> >
> > The connection behaves exactly this way with minicom or a terminal
> > (without the quotes and commas of course):
> >
> > I Dial in,
> > Get "Connect 2X000/ARQ/V34/LAPM/V42BIS",
> > I hit <Enter>,
> > I get "Username:",
> > I enter my username and hit <enter>,
> > I get "Password:",
> > I enter my password and hit <enter>,
> > I get a ">" prompt,
> > I enter the command "ppp",
> > I get PPP characters,
> >
> > Now this doesn't seem complicated. But whatever I try to put in, it
hangs at
> > the "Connect" part and just sits. And I just sits...I've tried going
> > every chat options, from the chat man page. All the suggestions in the
> > To PPP guide. The how to hook up PPP by W.G Unruh. Absolutely nothing
> >
> > So I'm asking, begging actually, if you where using a Linux PPP
> > using pppd to connect to the above connection, what would your script
> > like?
> >
> I have 3 (alternate) suggestions:
> 1. It may be that if you *didn't* hit Enter after the Connect, but went
> right into the LCP part of PPP your ISP would auto-detect that and go
> into PPP. That is true of mine and unfortunately it is impossible to
> test with minicom. If this is the case, the chat script would end:
> CONNECT '\d\c'
> the \d is a delay and the \c says DO NOT send a carriage return. I only
> thought of trying this when I saw a Usenet posting on the subject from
> James Carlson (author of "PPP Design and Debugging").
> 2. I following chat script should also work based on what you have
> above. It worked for me with an almost identical situation (I'll just
> put in the CONNECT part -- I assume you have the modem initialization
> and dialing part ok):
>         CONNECT         ''
>         ername:         username  (replace)
>         ssword:         secret    (replace)
>         '>'             ppp
> This assumes you put the chat script in its own file and invoke it with
> the -f option to chat.
> 3. There is a piece of software called wvdial which totally circumvents
> chat (i.e. works without using chat at all so no chat scripts). It
> functions like Windows Dial-Up Networking or the Mac PPP Control Panel
> in that it is intelligent and figures out what to do on the fly (and
> ends by invoking pppd). It is described at the end of my mini-FAQ:
> 4. As is discussed in the above page, it is important for you to
> generate a log to see what is actually going wrong. Without that it's
> trial and error. You will see for example in the log if your ISP wants
> to use PAP or CHAP and if so, there are other things to do.
> Good luck.
> -- David


Subject: FS:new Cisco 1604 w/T1 CSU/DSU $1495.00
Date: 02 Sep 1999 17:57:12 GMT

I have 1 of the following FS:

Cisco 1604 Router with T1 CSU/DSU card installed
Condition: New in the box
Manufactor Warranty



-For more GREAT DEALS follow the link below-


From: "Robert_Glover" <Please_reply_to@newsgroup>
Subject: Re: New kernel, 2.2.12, causing diald to stay open
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 17:01:37 -0000

Look in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d, if you are using runlevel 3, or
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d, if you are using runlevel 5 (graphical login).

You'll see the "start" and "kill" scripts that are run each time you
enter/leave that particular run-level.  They are all symlinks that
point to the /etc/rc.d/init.d directory where the actual scripts
reside.  The names look like S99local or whatever.

Delete the "start" symlink for named.  It will begin with an S.  You
can always re-create it later if you want named back.

Chris Sherman wrote in message ...
>> I just installed a new kernel, 2.2.12, on my machine (Red Hat
>> V6 installation, was running 2.2.5-15), and now the diald
>> running on the hub box (running 2.2.5-15 RH V6 installation)
>> won't hang up.
>Figured out what was wrong...  For some reason, the new kernel
>woke up named, and it was squawking to the name servers at
>my ISP.  I shut up named, and diald on the hub closed the
>connection a minute later.
>BTW, to permanently shut up named, I moved the named config
>file to an archive directory.  What is the official way
>of permanently stopping a "service"?
>     ____/     /     /     __  /    _  _/    ____/
>    /         /     /     /   /      /     /          Chris Sherman
>   /         ___   /        _/      /          /
> _____/   __/   __/   __/ _\    _____/   _____/


From: jerzy Kaltenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: samba and dhcp with NO wins server?...(sort of long)
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:09:20 GMT

> <cut>
> so far i can see myself with smbclient but it always says it's going to
> which i don't know if that is right or not..

! is not unique IP. It is  a loopback interface  that is never
supposed  to see the wire.  You should ifconfig your  card BEFORE you start
samba, then  you have your valid IP nr  ... otherwise  you just see yourself
on loopback.

> .
> [erict@byzantine bin]$ smbclient -L byzantine
> Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Password:
> Domain=[PENGUIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 2.0.5a]
>         Sharename      Type      Comment
>         ---------      ----      -------
>         tmp            Disk      Temporary file space
>         redcd          Disk      byzantine CD-Rom
>         IPC$           IPC       IPC Service (host byzantine Version
> 2.0.5a for byzantine)
>         Server               Comment
>         ---------            -------
>         BYZANTINE            host byzantine Version 2.0.5a for nmb
>         Workgroup            Master
>         ---------            -------
>         PENGUIN
> and...
> [erict@byzantine bin]$ nmblookup -B byzantine __SAMBA__
> Warning: inconsistant interface
> Added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
> Sending queries to
> Got a positive name query response from ( )
> __SAMBA__<00>
> but i get that response for ANY name i put in...

> i have thus in /etc/hosts:
>       localhost       byzantine

do not set loopback addy  to  anything else but localhost.  if  you can,
write a script to set your  name  to byzantine AFTER  you have recieved your
ip from DHCP ( if you can't there's  always  autohostname.tgz to be had.)


From: "Robert L. Klungle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: dhcpd won't start
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:23:07 GMT

Chris wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Aug 1999 15:48:57 GMT, "Robert L. Klungle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote in comp.os.linux.networking:
> >Everytime I try to start dhcpd on eth1 to maintain the dhcp ip license,
> >if fails with "no subnet for eth1". I put one in to /etc/dhcpd.conf
> >using the ISP assinged address but it still complains that there isn't
> >one. Anyone got a clue? Attached is dhcpd.conf:

There appears to be no such thing as dhcpcd in the Slackware 4.0 distribution
am using (linux-2.2.6).

> You cannot use dhcpd to renew IP a DHCP lease obtained from your ISP.  You
> need to run a DHCP client (dhcpcd or dhclient) to do that.

I have been using dhclient. I assumed it was for the initial request/accept
of the
dynamic IP, and a daemon needed to maintain it. I have since seen that the
seems to be maintaining the leases, so it appears that my supposition on the
for dhcpd was bogus.

> Rather than adding empty subnet definitions to make dhcpd happy with your
> ISP interface, you should use the interface option on the dhcpd command
> line so that it will ignore all other interfaces other than the one you
> are serving.

I agree, but have used the interface option and got the same result. Ah well,
continue playing.



From: "Robert_Glover" <Please_reply_to@newsgroup>
Subject: Re: help NEWBIE howto access linux partitions from WinNT?
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 14:50:15 -0000

If you are trying to look at Win partitions on a dual-boot PC, then
Samba will not work for you.  Samba is for network connections.  For a
dual-boot situation, try using

mount -t vfat /dev/hdb /mnt

I used /mnt as an example mount point, you should change it to some
other empty directory.  Also, I probably flubbed the syntax there, so
here are some man pages to look at.

man mount
man umount

A.PADMANARAYANAN wrote in message <7qn3uq$17o$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
>hey friends!
>i am a linux newbie just a week old :)
>can anyone tell me how can i access linux partitions from windows NT
or 98?
>is it possible? please help me or point me to any resources man pages
>URLs i will work on it!
>thanks in advance!


From: Gerhard Fuernkranz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: DNS server via PPP?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 17:41:28 +0200

Omar Dedovic wrote:
> Check your /etc/resolv.conf

I don't want to specify a name server IP address
*statically* in /etc/resolv.conf.

There seems to be a way, how my ISP can send me the
name server address dynamically during the PPP
connection establishment (similar to my local IP
address, which I can accept dynamically from the PPP
peer). At least Windoze clients seem to support
this feature.

My question is: How can I do/configure this in Linux?



From: "nisse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 3com 3509 problem
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 20:50:24 +0200

I have problem with instaling  3C509 card

it say's "symbol for parameter io not found"    (modprobe)

RedHat 5.2 tried the FAQ:s at the RED HAT
site with no results


From: Mohit Tawarmalani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Jaton Communicator 56K
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 10:30:20 -0500

I have just installed an ISA Jaton Communicator 56K by jumper configuring
it at COM1 port (not plug and play)

I got his modem since it is listed as compatible on and

I have not found any drivers for the same. It uses a Cirrus Logic chipset.
I am planning to install LINUX in the recent future and was wondering if
it would be detected automatically and has built in kernel support for the

Also, I understand that it is a class 1 fax modem .. therefore I suppose
HYlafax should work with it .. but has anybody accessed its voice 
features .. speakerphone and caller-id. I mean vgetty etc ..

Anyone who has actually used this modem with its full capabilities ?

Also, is it possible to configure Linux in a way so that the ethernet
card would be used if the machine is connected to the ethernet and
modem is used when connected to the phone line ? Any pointers ..



From: "Al @Work" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Time Server ?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 09:21:54 -0400

"Doug R." wrote:
> How can I configure a RedHat 6 machine to be a time server, so Win95
> stations on a local network can get the server's time (and adjust their
> clocks, presumably using one of the Win95 utils available to do this via
> This is a local network for http and file-serving with Samba. It has
> dial-up Internet access, so I *could* sync Win95 machines with an
> Internet time-server, but all I want to do is adjust their clocks to the
> local network Linux server.
> Been through quite a few HOWTOs but can find any mention of this -- or
> I'm looking in the wrong places.
> Oh, the RH machine does not have X-windows installed.
> Thanks,
> --
> Doug Robbins

As Tony suggested, use xntpd.

The Official NTP page is at

RH 6.0 includes xntpd as an RPM.



From: (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: I've gotten on, but how do I get off????
Date: 2 Sep 1999 09:38:16 -0500

Scott ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
: I'm using minicom and pppd to access my provider, but after I'm done I can't
: disconnect.  I've tried hanging up and quitting and resetting on minicom.
: Only way I can disconnect is by rebooting!!!!

: There must be a better way.

Do you have ppp-off?  Check with "locate bin/ppp-off".  The basic
command in that script is

 kill -HUP `cat /var/run/$`

The command

 kill -HUP `pidof pppd`

should also work.

Clifford Kite <>                    Not a guru. (tm)
/* For every credibility gap, there is a gullibility fill.
                -- R. Clopton */


From: Greg Fall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Q: DNS server via PPP?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 12:54:19 +0000

Gerhard Fuernkranz wrote:
> Some ISPs dynamically assign the DNS server address,
> when the PPP connection gets established.
> How can I configure Linux to retrieve the name
> serve address via PPP?

When your PPP connection is established, a script called /etc/ppp/ip-up
is executed.  It looks for another script called /etc/ppp/ip-up.local
and executes it if found.  This is where you put connection-time
instructions.  If you write an /etc/ppp/ip-up.local script, it will
automatically have the following variables:

# Arg  Name            Example
# ---  ----            -------
# $1   Interface name  ppp0
# $2   The tty         ttyS1
# $3   The link speed  38400
# $4   Local IP number
# $5   Peer IP number

I usually have ip-up.local write these to /var/run, like this:

echo $1 > /var/run/
echo $2 > /ver/run/ppp.tty
echo $3 > /var/run/ppp.spd
echo $4 > /var/run/ppp.lip
echo $5 > /var/run/

Access to those will be restricted to root, but anything you need to do
using your dynamically-assigned IP you can do in the
/etc/ppp/ip-up.local script, using the $4 variable.  Don't forget to do
'chmod 755 ip-up.local' once you've created that script, to make it

I also have a little script I call "ip" that gives me my own address on
demand.  It looks like this:

# A tiny script for getting the dynamic IP of this machine.
/sbin/ifconfig ppp0 | grep inet | cut -b 21-35 | cut -d ' ' -f 1

Greg Fall


From: ksvenbak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Automating redial
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:33:53 GMT

My problem is sometimes when I try to connect to my ISP, the number is
busy, and I have to try a few times before I can get a connection and
login. How can I automate the ppp script to redial x number of times and
stop, if the number of redials exceeds a certain number?

Thanks for any help.


From: "Andrew J. Norman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Diskless Stations using RPL bootproms
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:43:05 GMT

Question: Is there a server or service daemon similar to Sun's "rpld"
available for Linux or is rpl boot service available in any of the Netware
for Linux packages that are available (either from Caldera or one of the
free versions)

Currently I have a number of diskless machines which need to obtain their
boot image from a central (linux) server.  Due to the variety of cards
which these machine use (some NE2000, some NE2000 clones, some DLINK, some
Tulip/PNIC based, etc....) I have bought pre-programmed boot proms from the
manufactures.  However, as many of your are aware, the major manufactures
(with the exception of Intel and 3com) do not as yet support
tcp/ip booting via dhcp/tftp.  Rather they provide support only for the
older Novell Netware RPL protocol.  

As a stop gap measure, I am currently booting the NE2000 compatible cards
using a floppy and the "netboot" package.  This works, but is not as
elegant or as robust I would like for a large number of machines (and it
requires floppy driver in each machine)

Any suggestions and/or links to resources would be appreciated.

        Andrew J. Norman
Dept. of Physics                        Phone: 757-221-3571
College of William & Mary               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
 what is essential is invisible to the eye" -The Little Prince


From: "Jane Hill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: some sites unable with linux, windows is ok
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 21:08:20 +0200


I have a linux box used as isdn dailup for my mini network. This computer
has also windows95 installed. When running Linux I cannot get certain
websites (e.g., Other sites I can get just
fine like
When I startup with win95 I have no problem at all receiving those sites.
Lynx end with:
 "HTTP request send waiting for response" and then nothing. I use kernel

Can anybody explain this and help me fix the problem? thanks


From: Chris Salin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: What's IPv6 status?
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 13:53:15 -0500

Support is definitely in the 2.2 kernel series.  I would start looking here
for tech info:

Chris Salin


> Regrettably, I do not have the latest version of the kernel (I am
> downloading it even now).  I was trying to work from a commonly known
> and accepted kernel version (2.0.36).  It did not have much to say
> regarding IPv6 in the release notes.  I looked in the release notes of
> the 2.2.xx version but found no mention.  So, I searched the web for
> patches.  I found several alpha (kernel patches) and pre-alpha sources
> (libraries?), but I could find nothing that was blessed by Torvalds.  I
> will look at the 2.2.12 version and continue searching the web.  It is
> my assumption that Linux will comply with the Posix 1g IPv6
> requirements.  I will not try the "bleeding edge" kernels: I do not have
> a sandbox computer.
> If anyone has more information, I would appreciate a note.
> -Sean Walton
> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>   Kyle Hargraves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > >
> > > I am currently writing a book on Linux sockets programming.  I would
> > > like to add a chapter on IPv6, but the only items I have found are
> > > pre-alpha patches.  I could simply add the section as "future
> support",
> > > but that does not help to write and test sample programs.
> > >
> > > Sent via
> > > Share what you know. Learn what you don't.
> >
> > You would think someone who was writing a programming book would have
> > the intelligence to merely look at comments in the kernel source, or
> > the source code itself.
> >
> > --
> > Kyle Hargraves
> > Technical madman, or something of that nature.
> > "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping the common people quiet."
> >    -- Napoleon Bonaparte
> >
> Sent via
> Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


Subject: NFS mounting Linux 2.2.9 on Irix 6.5
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:16:33 GMT


I am trying to mount a Linux 2.2.9 system on an Irix 6.5 box using nfs.
I matched the nfs versions, read the deja postings, but I get an error
saying "Program not registered". DOes this mean nfsd is not running? "ps
aux" says it is.

Thanks in advance

Sent via
Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John McDonald, Jr.)
Subject: Help Compiling GCC 2.95.1 (Please! :))
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:16:54 GMT

Okay, so I'm trying to install Gcc 2.95.1 on an Ultra Enterprise 450,
running Solaris 2.5.1.

Here's what I do, and here's what happens: (And please help!)

1.  Untar gcc-2.95.1.tar.gz into /u7/gcc-2.95.1/
2.  Mkdir /u7/objdir
3.  Chdir /u7/objdir
4.  '../gcc-2.95.1/configure --prefix=/u7/installs/gcc-2.95.1 \
5.  Configure whirrs on for a while, doing its thing...
6.  No errors, normal termination of configure.
7. 'make bootstrap MAKE="make -j 4" -j 4'
8.  This whirrs on for about 15 minutes (on 4 processors, oh yeah!)
9.  A few warnings, but no errors. Normal termination of make.
10. 'make install'
11. Copies files, everything still seems okay.

Now, I changedir to /u7/installs/gcc-2.95.1/, and the binaries are in
/bin, and the libs are in /lib, and everything seems alright, except
there are NO INCLUDE files in /include.  The g++ include files are in
/include/g++, but there are no other headers in this distribution.
This seems a bit puzzling to me, and my stuff tends to fail when I'm
unable to include the necessary files... Hmm..

BTW: I did downlad the full 12.x meg gcc-2.95.1.tar, so don't go
there! :)

Anyone have any ideas?  Is it possible that the install is noting that
I already have include headers somewhere else, so its not installing
them?  They didn't get put in /usr/include, or /usr/local/include, so
I don't know what happened to them or if perhaps they simply weren't

HELP!?!?!?!?! PLEASE!!!!

We've been working on this for days now, its really depressing and a
bit pathetic... :)

 John K. McDonald, Jr.      Alcatel, USA
 "I speak for me and not this company"

 Please note important  defininitions:
 The Telephone Consumer Protection Act
 of  1991,    Title   47,   Chapter 5,
 Subchapter II, Section 227.


From: Jeff Beley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIS and finger
Date: 2 Sep 1999 19:18:21 GMT

Do NIS and finger interoperate in slackware Linux, I did an strace, and it
seems to be timing out?


Sun Tzu must have been running Linux...
 - Hold out baits to entice the enemy. 
   Feign disorder, and crush him.  
   (Sun Tzu, The art of war)


From: "Cedric Blancher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: IPChains and FTP
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:52:17 +0200

Rick Orwig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit dans le message :
> Oh, yeah, now that was helpful.  I said it was simple and I'm trying
> figure out how to turn off FTP to certain IP addresses.  What I don't
> is to fight a default of forward DENY until I get it figured out!..
> sheesh...

Ok, no prob !

ipchains -A forward -s $forbiden_source_network -p tcp -d
$forbiden_dest_network 21 -y -j DENY

Deny all connections paquets from $forbiden_source_network to
$forbiden_dest_network : -y means that paquet is initiating connection.
Don't forget 20 and 21 ports are destination ports.

In later message :

> I thought that should work too.  I had tried:
> # the below 2 lines had no effect
> ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp -d -j REJECT
> ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp-data -d -j REJECT

It cannot work for it rejects paquets _from_ 20 and 21 ports. Those are
destination port.

> # neither did these two lines did nothing
> ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp -d -j REJECT
> ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp-data -d -j REJECT

Same thing than below :)

> ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ
> ipchains -A forward -s -d -j REJECT

Second ligne reject _all_ traffic. Changing policy to REJECT will do the



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