Linux-Networking Digest #454, Volume #12          Thu, 2 Sep 99 19:13:49 EDT

  INN 2.2.1, linux 5.2 startup failure. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Netscape - wwwoffle - DNS problem! (Marc Debacker)
  Re: Drastic 3c905B performance issues, RH 6.0 (Tsing Zou)
  Re: winpopup (Karl Kleinpaste)
  Re: Samba - newbie ("Ted Mead")
  Re: samba and dhcp with NO wins server?...(sort of long) ("")
  Re: Internet-Router Probleme (M. Buchenrieder)
  PPP can't resolve host name (Tinh Tran)
  Re: connecting Linux 5.2 and Win98 ("pg")
  Re: RH 6.0, PPP, and my ISP (Clifford Kite)
  Problem to reach 100Mbps with 3C905B-TX (Bernard Fay)
  Ethrenet card Problems (Michael Radtke)
  Re: IPChains and FTP (Chris)
  Re: Netscape 4.6 + JAVA -> freezes (Anita Lewis)
  Re: Lingering sockets ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  linux /etc/hosts & windows lmhosts (Doug & Cathy Bryant)
  Re: sendmail win98 (fernando)
  RH6 PPP ***Host Not Available*** ("LUGnut")
  Re: Hostname for PPP connection? (Chris Mahmood)
  Re: mail Attachments from a command line program... (Chris Mahmood)
  How many PPP sessions over one PPPD. ("B. Saunders")
  Problems installing JSERV (Mike Wahler)


Subject: INN 2.2.1, linux 5.2 startup failure.
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 20:35:13 GMT

(by linux i mean red hat linux)

i couldn't get inn 2.2 to start up, so i got the 2.2.1 distribution
and installed it.  i copied in my old config files.

the thing still won't start.  i now suspect there's a problem
with linux itself.

my next trick will be to upgrade to linux 6.0 .  does anyone know
whether this will clear out the existing devices ( /dev and friends )?
what i'm worried about is some misconfigured file being kept by
the upgrade.  does anyone know if red hat will do  a good cleanup?

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From: Marc Debacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Netscape - wwwoffle - DNS problem!
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 22:37:48 +0000

Hello there,

I do get strange things with netscape lately.

I did install wwwoffle on my Linux box, and of course i referred to it
out of netscape's proxy settings (http://localhost:8080).  wwwoffle had
to be configured to point to the original proxy, which is

When i try to activate any kind of url using this configuration, i
always get the error: Name Lookup - Non Authoritive Answer, host not

When i let netscape point to the proxy server of my internet provider, i
can get onto the world wide web without any problems, but with my own
proxy server in between, i always have this error, on any host.

I'm without a clue.  It did work before though, and actually i don't
think i did change anything at all in the /etc/ configuration files.

Can somebody give me some help?

Thanx in advance!


No gates, not windows, it's open!


Subject: Re: Drastic 3c905B performance issues, RH 6.0
From: Tsing Zou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 02 Sep 1999 17:12:56 -0400


> The specifics (as much as I know):
> K6-II with 3c905B, no shared PCI ints
> K2 (?) with 3c905B, no shared PCI ints, PnP OS turned off
> (I only think it's a K2 'cuz I can't remember, but it's
> old-ish non-Intel, just can't remember the number.)
> Both running fresh RH6.0 installs, no mods. Running
> through a Known Good NetGear 10/100 hub; the machines
> are about 2 feet apart (but the coiled cable makes it
> more like 20 feet :)
> Not entirely sure what kernel version I'm running
> (yet)-directory \linux\modules has 2.2.5-15 subdir
> in it, I don't know what that means. (I could
> understand 2.2.5, would be surprised by 2.2.15,
> and assume they don't mean -10 :)
> Compiled latest 3c95x module (0.99L, 5/28/99) and have
> it in the module directory (I think, is there a way
> to check what version of a module is running without
> hackery? lsmod just shows names). I'm assuming,
> perhaps erroneously, that I am running with a modularized
> kernel (how do I find out?)
> I can telnet, ftp, web, etc. But it slows down _QUICKLY_.
> Essentially, after a successful connection, as soon as any
> quantity of data starts coming across it starts to crawl.
> Pings of >1s, took >10 minutes to ftp a 380K file, blah
> blah blah.

I'm having similar problem.  My PC is Cyrix-150, with 3c509B as NIC,
and connected to my ISP via cable modem.  I'm using RedHat 6.0.
Everything seems to work OK, but when I start downloading (ftp or
http) any file with size larger than 40K, the connection just stalls.
However, I can still open a separate connection.

I still have RedHat 5.2 on my machine, and 5.2 never had this problem.
Anyone has any clue about what's going on?

George Zou


From: Karl Kleinpaste <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: redhat.networking.general,redhat.servers.general
Subject: Re: winpopup
Date: 02 Sep 1999 13:30:20 -0400

> how to set up "message command" in smb.conf

Do as the docs tell you, in /usr/doc/LinPopUp-1.0.2/INSTALL.

You did read the documentation, didn't you?


From: "Ted Mead" <ted.mead at>
Subject: Re: Samba - newbie
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 16:59:36 -0400

I couldn't get it to work until I removed NetBEUI.  There is one other trick
about password encryption.  I copied the following from the SMB HOWTO
written by David Wood:

"It used to be that easy; you would now be able to start Samba and browse
the shares from a Windows PC. However, Microsoft has recently made life
slightly more difficult for those using Samba. Windows 98, Windows NT
(service pack 3 or higher) and later builds of Windows 95 now use encrypted
passwords by default. Samba uses unencrypted passwords by default. You can't
browse servers when either the client or server is using encrypted
passwords, because a connection cannot be made anonymously.

You can tell if you have a password type mismatch between client and server
if when you try to connect to a share you see a dialog box which reads
something like "You are not authorized to access that account from this

You can either configure your Samba server to use encrypted passwords, or
configure the Windows machines to use unencrypted passwords.

To get Windows to work with encrypted SMB passwords:

Windows 95/98 =============

Using the registry editor (regedit), create the registry setting
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\VNETSUP Add a new
DWORD value: Value Name: EnablePlainTextPassword Data: 0x01.

Windows NT ==========

Using the registry editor (regedit), create the registry setting
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Rdr\Parameters Add a
new DWORD value: Value Name: EnablePlainTextPassword Data: 0x01"

I took his suggestion and made the changes in the registry and everything
worked beautifully.


Mark Worsdall wrote in message ...
>In article <oQZy3.6$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Tobias Knowles
>>Why the need for NetBEUI?
>Oh, I thought it was necessary hence the nmbd. I am about to undergo a
>telling off along the lines of "People with a little bit of knowledge...
>(I forget the rest)..."
>So it is not necessary?
>Mark Worsdall - Oh no, I've run out of underpants :(
>Web site Monitoring:-   


Subject: Re: samba and dhcp with NO wins server?...(sort of long)
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 14:23:40 -0400

> ! is not unique IP. It is  a loopback interface  that is never
> supposed  to see the wire.  You should ifconfig your  card BEFORE you start
> samba, then  you have your valid IP nr  ... otherwise  you just see yourself
> on loopback.

yeah yeah i know that... okay but i have a valid IP...
so i should only set that to localhost in /etc/hosts and put another entry with

my hostname and the dyn IP?

okay so now i have my dyn IP addy and my hostname in /etc/hosts and it gives me

back my own IP with nmblookup
BTW what does this mean:
Warning: inconsistant interface 24.29.xx.xx  ?  (I replaced the addy with xx)

and when i lookup the windows machines it just gives me back
            -thanks for the reply-


Crossposted-To: de.comp.os.unix.networking
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (M. Buchenrieder)
Subject: Re: Internet-Router Probleme
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 18:34:45 GMT

[Newsgroups: line edited, F`Up set]

"Kamil Kube" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>ich habe Probleme beim Einrichten unseres Linux-Routers. 

...und Probleme mit der richtigen Newsgroup/Sprachversion.
Bitte F'Up-To: beachten.


> UH    1      0        0
Muell. Weg damit.

>   U     0      0        0 eth0
>       U     0      0        0 lo
>         UG    0      0        0

>Das Problem welches sich jetzt ergibt ist folgendes: Wenn ich an einem der
>Clients versuche in das Internet hineinzukommen, baut der Linux-Recher zwar
>eine Verbindung zum Internet auf, jedoch erhält der entsprechende Client
>keine Daten (wir verwenden Windows 98 Clients).

Forwarding/Masquerading falsch eingerichtet oder nicht vorhanden.

>Vielleicht liegt es daran, daß ich beim starten des Linux-Rechners folgende
>Fehlermeldung erhalte:

>/sbin/init.d/masquerade: /sbin/ipchains: No such file or directory


Richtig. Ohne ipchains ab v2.2* kein Forwarding/Masquerading. Loesung: SuSE 
CD nehmen und Paket einspielen. Dann klappt's auch mit dem Nachbarn.


Michael Buchenrieder * [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
          Lumber Cartel Unit #456 (TINLC) & Official Netscum
    Note: If you want me to send you email, don't munge your address.


From: Tinh Tran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.setup,redhat.config
Subject: PPP can't resolve host name
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 21:31:07 GMT

Hi veryone
I am trying to get my Linux box to connect to the internet.  I have the 
modem dial to my isp and the connection seem fine.  I am running RH6 on it 
own pullout harddrive.  
mainly I use kppp, usernet, and PPP under linuxconf for the connection.  I 
use PAP for the connection.  CHAP or anyother type doesn't work it 
disconnect where it say "checking username and password".
once a connection is made, from terminal if I ping by the ip, I got a 
reply from.
for example
># ping
I got a reply back from the server ( with this ip, but if I do
># ping
I got hostname not found.
when I try nslookup, all the ip and name are resolve fine like if i put in it gave me the ip and if i put in the ip it gave me the name.
when I setup PPP under linuxconf and kppp I did put in my isp DNS server 
( in this case.  I check resolvr.conf file and the line 
(nameserver is there.
I try netscape browser, it throw me an error about $SOCK_IP or something 
like that forgot but the browser work only if i put in the ip for the 
url.  host not found if i put in the name (,
I can tell that there is a dsn resolve problem, but all the name are 
resolve fine under nslookup using the same dns server i put in 
kppp/PPP ... how can i fix it ???
I am very sure that my isp (It's a university) is running either BSD or 
some type of linux. for their dial-up server. 
did I miss any configuration here ???
what else do i have to do to make my linux box connect?

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From: "pg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: connecting Linux 5.2 and Win98
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 20:03:49 GMT

Ron Medrozo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> I would like to ask your assistance regarding on how to network a Linux
> and Windows98. I have to PCs with each OS. I want to enable file and print
> sharing on them and also be able to see each other. I have configured
> and they are both in Ethernet. I appreciate the help that you can extend.
> Please reply to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thank you all...
> Ron
> ------------

Post in a newsgroup, and you will get an answer here....

1) On your Linux machine, install SAMBA in order to share files and other
resources (printer,fax , cd ,etc)   to other machines.  Windows machines
will see the SAMBA server in the "Network neighborhood",   or you could even
set-up a short-cut to the  SAMBA server. (

2) On the Linux machine, try a program called "Linneighborhood" , or
"Xsmb" - which will give you a "network neighborhood" style view of the
Windows machine from Linux.

3) As far as sharing a printer, if it's on the Windows machine, and you want
to print to it from the Linux machine - use "print-tool" from within RH
Linux 5.2 to set it up.  (not too hard....) Going the other way - you can
use SAMBA ( read the DOC's on this....)

Needless to've got a bit of work to do.....good luck !



From: (Clifford Kite)
Subject: Re: RH 6.0, PPP, and my ISP
Date: 2 Sep 1999 16:05:33 -0500

Josh Thompson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

: Is there an option I can use to force pppd to use PAP?

Pppd should accept PAP with a correct line in the pap-secrets file and
"name <my PAP name>" or "user <my PAP name>" as an option.

The script you use seems contorted to me, especially the input-output
stdio redirection with a pppd command inside.  I also find that I'm not
clear on whether this script is all that is executed or whether pppd is
executed from the command line after this script runs.

Anyway you might try the script ppp-secrets.gz at

and see if it will work.  It comes with directions should be easy to

Clifford Kite <>                    Not a guru. (tm)
/* Better is the enemy of good enough. */


From: Bernard Fay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Problem to reach 100Mbps with 3C905B-TX
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 15:11:36 -0400

I have a 100Mbps network card that works at 10Mbps. I compiled the
kernel with the appropriate driver but still only 10Mbps. I checked the
cable and all the hardware around the computer and it is all correct. Do
someone have an answer for this problem? I guest I do something wrong
while I configure the kernel for compilation but I cannot find what.

I use SuSE 6.0 on an IBM 300GL.

Thank you!


From: Michael Radtke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Ethrenet card Problems
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 16:12:43 -0500

Hi all,

        I'm using Redhat Linux, version 6.0 with a 3COM Etherlink III, ISA.  I
used an ftp install, and everything worked fine with the ethernet card. 
Now, however, when the system boots up, it fails when trying to start
eth0.  I'm kind of a Linux newbie, but I poked around the networking a
bit to see if I could find anything.  The network settings, (I'm using
DHCP), look to be correct.   Any ideas?




Michael Radtke
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  USA


Subject: Re: IPChains and FTP
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 19:28:19 GMT

[posted and emailed]

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 07:24:58 -0500, "Rick Orwig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote in comp.os.linux.networking:

>I thought that should work too.  I had tried:
># the below 2 lines had no effect
>ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp -d -j REJECT
>ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp-data -d -j REJECT
># neither did these two lines did nothing
>ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp -d -j REJECT
>ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s ftp-data -d -j REJECT
>ipchains -A forward -s -d -j MASQ
>ipchains -A forward -s -d -j REJECT
>I also tried just putting in port 20 and 21 in above.  No dice.

Make sure your list of rules starts with a purge or else you may be adding
your firewall rules to the end of a chain that already lets everything

When specifying ports, you have to remember that the outgoing port is not
neccessarily the same as the destination port.  If you want to block FTP,
you block connections *TO* the FTP port because those connections could
originate from any port.

Remember that masquerading works by changing the port numbers.  Trying to
block the inbound replies may or may not work depending on where the rules
are applied relative to the demasq process.

The FTP protocol has a PASV mode (designed for masqueraded connections) in
which the default ftp-data port is not used.  Blocking it is generally a
waste of time.  If they can't connect to the FTP server's control stream
they can't request a data stream, so you can kill two birds with one stone
by simply blocking the control stream.

You do not need to include source or destination addresses of (aka 0/0) unless you are including a port number.  If the
-s or -d options are missing, ipchains automatically uses "0/0 *"

If you specify an interface in a forwarding rule, remember that it only
matches the *OUTBOUND* interface regardless of where in the command you
place the option.  Filtering based on the inbound interface can only be
done in the input rule chain.  Although most programs (such as linuxconf)
substitute the IP address when you specify an interface, the ipchains
themselves can use hardware names in the interface specifier.  This is a
much better way to specify interfaces on machines that use DHCP as the
rules don't break when the lease is renewed under a different address.
For example, if your internet connection is on eth1 and your private
network is on eth0 using addresses 10.*.*.*, you can prevent IP spoofing
and failed masquerading by using:
ipchains -A input -s 10/8 -i eth1 -j DENY
ipchains -A output -s 10/8 -i eth1 -j REJECT
(There's no point logging a spoof attempt as the address is invalid
anyway, but you will want to log a masq failure so you can find out where
you went wrong.)

Remember that DENY simply drops the packet on the floor, while REJECT
incurs overhead by sending back a refusal packet and optionally logging
the rejection.

Try the following to block FTP requests from while allowing
everything else:

ipchains --policy forward DENY
ipchains --flush forward
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 ftp -j REJECT
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

Caveat: Many "warez" ftp and www sites use non-standard ports to prevent
easy discovery.  If your user on is connecting to a warez site,
there may be no port-specific way of blocking him.  In such cases, the
only policy that works effectively is a scorched earth policy that blocks
everything EXCEPT whatever ports you deem neccessary, such as:

ipchains --policy forward DENY
ipchains --flush forward
# allow standard connections from
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 smtp -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 pop3 -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 www -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 https -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 telnet -j MASQ
# block all other connections from
ipchains -A forward -p tcp -s -d 0/0 -j DENY
# allow all other connections from the 10.* subnet
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ

Have fun.


Subject: VPN and IP MASQ
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:50:54 GMT

I am trying to connect to my company's VPN through a RH 6.0 box with IP
masquerade set up.  The VPN firewall expects all connection requests,
and possibly subsequent communication to come FROM port 500.

How can I tell ipchains to use a specific port when it connects to a
specific host?


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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anita Lewis)
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,
Subject: Re: Netscape 4.6 + JAVA -> freezes
Date: 2 Sep 1999 21:44:38 GMT

On Thu, 2 Sep 1999 11:13:57 +0200, Nils Bluethgen 
>Hello out there, 
>I have a question about NETSCAPE 4.6 / 4.61 and  JAVA. On some (not on
>all!) of our computers (we run linux-RH6.0) Netscape freezes when I open
>the URL
>with JAVA enabled. Without JAVA there's no problem,
>I read about the wrong fontpath-settings, but this does
>not seem to be the problem, since chkfontpath --list prints: 

I am going to be doing an upgrade to 6.0 from 5.2 and asked questions
about it.  One thing I was told is that 6.0 had a buggy Netscape but that
I would find an update on my CheapBytes disk.  I don't know if that is
your problem.  You might go to  support and support search.
There are two separate searches, one specifically searches the question
and answers at support.  There well might be something on it there.

Good luck.


Subject: Re: Lingering sockets
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 17:07:38 GMT

> Currently I need to wait ~20 min for some of the sockets to clear
> I can restart the processes that need to listen on the sockets,
> of bind() failures.

The best fix is to get the application modified to set SO_REUSEADDR
before trying to bind(). Then it will not matter that there are
endpoints in FIN_WAIT_*

rick jones
these opinions are mine, all mine; HP might not
want them anyway... :)
feel free to email, or post, but please do not do

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Share what you know. Learn what you don't.


From: Doug & Cathy Bryant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: linux /etc/hosts & windows lmhosts
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 22:37:11 GMT

hello all,

my work is experimenting with a linux server.  Woohoo.  I have a
question about getting linux to acknowledge the other computers on the
network.  Most (if not all... I am not the network administrator) of the
computers on the network have dynamic addresses (dhpc)
I have set the linux box up on the network and can ping other machines.

I know that linux can look up other computers in /etc/hosts  but how can
I build /etc/hosts or import them for that matter.  It would seem futile
to type all of the ip addresses in with their aliases just to have the
computer ip's change.

Any one have any suggestions about what to do or point me in the
direction of some articles.

Thanks very much.



From: fernando <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: sendmail win98
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 16:09:55 -0600

add into the /etc/mail/ip_allow all the ips of the w98 nachines

Holger Bunkradt wrote:
> Hi,
> sendmail on my server works fine, if I try to use outlook on my win98 client
> I get an error and in my
> mail log from linux is write this:
> Sep  2 16:56:45 svhb02 sendmail[6788]: QAA06788: ruleset=check_rcpt,
> arg1=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [],
> reject=550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Relaying denied
> Sep  2 16:56:45 svhb02 sendmail[6788]: QAA06788:
> from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=0, class=0, pri=0, nrcpts=0, proto=SMTP,
> []
> Sep  2 16:56:45 svhb02 popper[6790]: Stats: holger 0 0 0 0
> who can help me.
> regards
> Holger Bunkradt

Real e-mail: sanabriaf at yahoo dot com
This are my personal opinions


Subject: RH6 PPP ***Host Not Available***
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 18:21:57 -0400

I have a RH6 Linux box with a 2.2.5-15 kernel, with PPP.  I have recompiled
the kernel to support PPP.  I have also configured the /etc/ppp/options,
/etc/resolv.conf files, and created a symbolic link between /dev/ttyS1 and
/dev/modem.  I am able to dial, and apparently connect (I hear the dial
tones, the handshaking).  When prompted for login:, I type my login, and
press enter.  There is then a short pause, and a disconnect, followed by
***Host Not Available***.  Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Hostname for PPP connection?
Date: 01 Sep 1999 19:36:36 -0700

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edward S Meadows) writes:

> Suppose that I could get my ISP to put my local machine into
> their database.  Wouldn't I need to associate that hostname
> with an IP address?  I don't see how that works with dynamic
> IP addresses.
I doubt it.  See if you can pay extra for a static IP address--it
makes things much easier.



From: Chris Mahmood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mail Attachments from a command line program...
Date: 01 Sep 1999 19:34:42 -0700

Mike Romans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anybody know how I can send a file as an attachment to an email from a
> command line app? 
Just uuencode it and include it in the message.


From: "B. Saunders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: How many PPP sessions over one PPPD.
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 18:09:25 -0400


    would anyone know the answer to this simple (or so I think)

    1) can you run more than one PPP link on one serial connection on
    2) I suspect that if you can run more than one, you need to invoke
        for each link.  Is this true?

    Thanks in advance.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mike Wahler)
Crossposted-To: linux.redhat.install
Subject: Problems installing JSERV
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 20:22:51 GMT

I installed JDK117,JSDK2.0 and JSERV 1.0. The configure script of
JSERV does not report any error,
neither does make and make install. But I cannot find the file
""! Why?



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End of Linux-Networking Digest

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