
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010, Gopinath, Thara wrote:

> >>> But if this approach is not ok, I can modify the save restore APIs to
> >>> take power state as a parameter and do only dpll4 autoidle save and
> >>> restore in case of OSWR. Is this ok?
> >>
> >>Well, let me know what you think of the above...
> I am ok with this. Only thing is it will involve a clk_get("dpll4_clk") 
> and then rest of the API calls as you have suggested. Considering this 
> is in cpuidle path, will the latencies be high?

How about doing the clk_get() in advance in omap3_pm_init(), and store the 
struct clk pointer in a static variable that can be referenced from the 
cpuidle path?

> If we have a latency issue, we can still keep the logic same as you have 
> suggested and instead of dpll api's directly use CM API's to implement 
> the same. So use cm_read_mod_reg and cm_rmw_mod_reg_bits.

We could but let's try the DPLL API first.  I doubt the difference between 
using the DPLL API and using the cm_* functions will be measurable.  If 
you look at the code for those functions, there's not much to them.

- Paul
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