2011/7/29 Tapani Utriainen <tap...@technexion.com>:
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2011 16:18:51 +0200
> Arno Steffen <arno.stef...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> That has been good points. I've tried both, but with no result so far.
> Try appending earlyprintk=${console} to your bootargs (where ${console}
> is your console string, e.g. ttyO0,115200n8 )
> ---
> Tapani Utriainen, PhD
> Senior Software Engineer
> TechNexion Ltd, www.technexion.com

Tried this without a change. I really think this is a machine-id problem.
So although I have done same changes for my board as in my previous 33
kernel, it might be not enough to cover the machine-id. Maybe I can
overule this for test to find out the source of this misbehaviour.
The problem is already before the first debug messages are coming.
Sricharan is right, first the message uncompress has to be printed.
- Arno
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