Disks are sealed, and a dessicant is present in each to keep humidity down.
If you ever open a disk drive (e.g. for the magnets, or the mirror quality
platters, or for fun) then you can see the dessicant sachet.


Al Boldi wrote:
> Richard Scobie wrote:
>>Thought this paper may be of interest. A study done by Google on over
>>100,000 drives they have/had in service.
> Interesting link.  They seem to point out that smart not necessarily warns of 
> pending failure.  This is probably worse than not having smart at all, as it 
> gives you the illusion of safety.
> If there is one thing to watch out for, it is "dew".
> I remember video machines sensing for dew, so do any drives sense for "dew"?
> Thanks!
> --
> Al

Eyal Lebedinsky ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) <http://samba.org/eyal/>
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