Just another thought.....................

How about a financial inducement for a library to subscribe to some of
the Linux magazines which are available at considerable cost to the
person in the street? They would then be available to all.

Chris Hellyar wrote:
> >advertising and/or perhaps donations of linux distributions to public
> >libraries (such as the Wellington LUG appear to be doing at the moment))
> Just had to comment on that one..  Being in the position of looking after
> four public libraries..
> What a bizarre thing to do...  It'd be a long shot that Linux would be used
> if donated to a library.  Libraries are part of councils, and councils by
> nature are slow moving, bureaucratic beasts with ingrained culture.
> We're lucky in that our OPAC, and library system is technology neutral and
> we're piloting using Linux on one machine, but a lot of libraries would be
> tied into a particular client end package for their front end, which would
> more than likely be M$ based.
> ie: Donating Linux to a library seems like a very odd thing to do..
> On the other hand..  Donating Linux pre-installed on a PC to a school or
> community group might not be so silly..  But then you need a business
> partner in the deal to front with reasonable spec PC's.
> </rant>
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