I like Linux, not because I'm a fanboy, I'd switch to *bsd or Hurd or
whatever the moment it fitted my purpose better.

But I really do care about the "Free" in "Free Software".

As Richard Stallman says that "Free" in "Free Software" is about
Freedom, not price. And that is worth a lot to me.

Thus I choose to be fairly careful about where I spend my dollars,
never funding anything that is against that freedom.

Buying a M$ Windows netbook when Linux ones are available is working
against that freedom in so many ways.


 * I, personally, will never buy a computer with Windows and overwrite
   it with Linux. I buy it with Linux or OS free and install my own.

 * I, personally, will favour dealers, for all purchases, that stock
   Linux variants. I will also explicit avoid dealers that tell me "we
   cannot sell it without Windows" if I can buy the same from a Linux

 * I, personally, will favour hardware manufacturers that contribute
   open source support for their systems to free software

 * I, personally, will favour hardware manufacturers that pre-install

 * I, personally, will favour hardware manufacturers that don't have
   the "Soulless Co recommends Windows Vista" crap on their website.

 * I will never knowingly use warez, nor pirate film, music or other
   content. I will give my attention and support to the many free
   artists eminently worthy of it.

And with these few dollars in my pockets, I will cast my vote.

On Thu, 5 Feb 2009, Navdeep Singh Sidhu wrote:

I can check that for you from our PC buyer in our head office located in Auckland, as to if we can get some decent netbooks with either Linux on or no OS. But the netbooks that we have in-store they cannot be sold without M$ Windows XP.

Navdeep Sidhu

Christopher Sawtell wrote:
Are you able to sell the machine free of the cost of the Microsoft XP Licence?

2009/2/5 Navdeep Singh Sidhu <navdeepsinghsi...@gmail.com>:

Hey John,

I work for Dicksmith, and we have couple of Acer One netbook's in stock. If you want to see if it runs your favorite distro, you can pop into my store on Manchester Street anytime during weekend with the Linux distro that you want to run, and we can see if it runs or if it gives any issues. We do have other pc's with net access so if needed we can download patches or lookup

[ ... ]

John Carter                             Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics                        Fax   : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch                Email : john.car...@tait.co.nz
New Zealand

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