On Sat 14 Feb 2009 08:37:30 NZDT +1300, Christopher Sawtell wrote:

> There is still the option of an optical link such as:-
> http://www.laser2laser.co.nz/about_laser.htm

Not bad, but sounds expensive.

> Those particular units are probably overkill for what you want to do,
> but is indicative of what can be done.

Try the laser-diode in the pringle tube? Material value: very low.
Educational value: high. Time sink factor: high. Reliability:
proportional to your engineering skills.

Oh and if the Internet goes down, check for birds nests...

I'd dig a trench. Done right, done once, always works. Scales well too,
if you plan it in a way which allows you to pull more cables through
(big enough, no sharp bends).

However the EoP should set you at ease on two points: There are no
transformers between your house and garage, and most likely you'll have
only one phase to deal with; if not, make sure to pick the same phase
in house and garage. You could get a pair on trial, or else make sure
you have a right of return if it doesn't perform to their marketing


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