On 20 July 2010 15:51, Steve Holdoway <st...@greengecko.co.nz> wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-07-20 at 15:14 +1200, Christopher Sawtell wrote:
>> On 20 July 2010 08:50, C. Falconer <cfalco...@totalteam.co.nz> wrote:
>> > No no no!   Skype is evil and nasty and CLOSED.
>> Apart from the fact that it is proprietary software, what is "evil and
>> nasty" about it?
> Like the fact that it uses 100% of the available CPU for no discernable
> reason, even when you're not using it?

Mine doesn't do that on Linux.

> Or the fact that it will abuse your firewall until it can find a way around 
> it?
Isn't the fact that it attempts to find a way around firewalls a benefit?
Remember that we want ordinary folks to be able to use it in as many
situations as possible.

> I have* to use it, but wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
> *My customers demand it. I need customers.

What would you recommend in its place?
Remember that the replacement should be free of $$$ cost and
installation be available on Linux, Windows, and Mac O/S X. It _must_
be as simple to install as falling off the proverbial log, so Dear Old
Aunt Tillly can make it go.

Honest, I'm all for a more acceptable replacement if something else is
both available and as easy to install and use.

Sincerely etc.
Christopher Sawtell

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