Terence McCarthy wrote:

On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:20:23 +0000
"Robert E. Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Rehat is too buggy.

Gentoo takes too long.

Debian leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.

You don't want to pay for SuSE.

You also want "Ease of use after installation, lack of show-stopping bugs (i.e. no workarounds just to get on the web to get mail- we had that with Redhat on the laptop), and fast setup are of main importance (oh yeah.. free as well)

Why don't you try M$ Windows? (The only problem there is you will have to pay for it- but then, nothing in life is free)


That's actually what I try to tell him (gasp!) as he's really about the most computer-illiterate person I've ever seen.. and Windows is already on there... but noooo.. he wants Linux...

Bob Raymond

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