On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 10:38:54 -0600 "George R. Kasica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'd be happy to try it here if I can get glibc 2-4.4 to BUILD....I
> can't even get make to go....and there doesn't appear to be any
> support for it either as to help, so I'll post the error here in hopes
> that SOMEONE can get this to run and allow me to test...


> *** These auxiliary programs are missing or too old: msgfmt
> *** some features will be disabled.
> *** Check the INSTALL file for required versions.

The smart ass comment would be... read the included documentation and FAQ's
that are in the glibc-2.2.4 tarbar. All you need to know is THERE you just
have to read it first.

Here's what you do... assuming you are runing workstation 3.1... You must
gettext to 0.10.40. You can find it on the net... google works beautifully.

Configure then make then checkinstall the new gettext app. 

Then... following the directions in the INSTALL file in glibc-2.2.4...
configure, make, make check... then if you're happy with what make check
reports... init 1 and do a make install...

What I do is create a build directory, untar the glicc-2.2.4 tar there...
then move into glibc-2.2.4 and untar glibc-linuxthreads there... once that's
done, I move up one directory to the build directory and run this script...

glibc-2.2.4/./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-profile

date   >make.std 
date   >make.err
make 1>>make.std 2>>make.err
date  >>make.std 
date  >>make.err

date         >makecheck.std 
date         >makecheck.err
make check 1>>makecheck.std 2>>makecheck.err
date        >>makecheck.std 
date        >>makecheck.err

After I'm happy that it all compiles out... I boot into single user mode via
init 1 and

make install 1>makeinstall.std 2>makeinstall.err

Once that's done, shutdown and reboot so you're using the new glibc.

Be alert! I had some issues with the new libraries! I've had a couple of
programs that will not run under glibc-2.2.4... such as mysql... xmms... etc.
For the most part I'd say about 99% of what I have on this test machine
works. The rest I'll figure out later on.

So beware! You're on your own on this one... :')



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