On Tue, 13 Nov 2001 18:10:40 -0800 (PST) Net Llama <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Are you saying that you installed the new version of glibc and, in so
> doing, removed the previous (2.1.x) version? 
> So basically its safe to ugprade glibc without any special machinations?

I'm saying that I installed glibc-2.2.4 per the recommend steps of the
INSTALL file from the tar ball. Since I already had an existing 2.x glibc...
all I needed to do was a simple "make install" and the scripts took care of
it all for me... Did it remove the old files? I haven't done a factual
compare just yet... I plan to in the near future. As far as I've found out so
far... by flipping between a backup and the new glibc... the old stuff is
gone or over written by the new libraries. Probably what I can do is just
dump the dir contents to a printer then compare them. If I read the INSTALL
doc correctly, just doing a "make install" leaves the old includes intact. I
chose this as the easiest method allowed for me to install this sucker. I may
go back and rehack this a bit later on as removing the old stuff by hand was
optional... then again it's running so well, why bother?

Pretty slick stuff!

I just finished recompilng a kernel... no problems. Lonni... this was far
easier than I expected. However, the real bitch will be upgrading an older
glibc... that's where the real bullshit is and it'd probably be easier to
just upgrade the distribution being used and upgrading from there. It looks
as though if you have a glibc of 2.0 or higher, you're on easy ground.

Do you think you could do me a favor? Can you suggest some gcc optimizations
that I can apply to a kernel compile for an AMD k6-2? Glibc 2.2.4 has some
niffty performance enhancements that I'm dieing to try out, but I'm not sure
what I'm doing in that regards.

And one more favor... I know it's been hammered here and on the caldera list
before... but help me out anyways... Just exactly what should a guy do about
the kernel include files? Workstation doesn't have the symlinks pointing to
/usr/src/linux... What would you do? Copy them over? The glibc recommends
using the most up-to-date kernel includes and it would seem to me that using
symlinks was the right in this reguard.

That said... I'm one happy camper and I'm off to bed. 

Cheers all, it's been fun.

PS... I've already noticed something new here... I run sylpheed on and off as
an offline news reader. I just subscribed to a new news group, downloaded
almost 2000 messages on the first visit. Rather than reading them all tonight
(VBG) I decided to mark them all read and start reading new messages as they
turned up tomorrow. I did a "select all" then "mark read"... normally such a
manuver would nearly lock up the computer as sylpheed processed the select
and then mark and remain that way for a few minutes or so... Sometimes it
felt like years... Guess what? It did the entire operation in something less
than ten seconds or so... That's remarkable! I can't wait to see if there's
any perf boosts anywhere else.



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