----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas J Hunley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2002 10:20 PM
Subject: Re: an interesting experience

> Michael Hipp babbled on about:
> > I just spent a very long frustrating week working for many hours every
> > to get an ATI XPERT 128 card to work under Linux. Xfree says it works.
> > COL list says it works. But I tried 2+ different distros and 3 different
> > machines and more XF86Config files than I care to remember and it would
> > function under X even at 640x480/60Hz. All the helpful ideas from the
> > list were to no avail. I put it in a Win2k box and it is configured 1st
> > time correctly (and no reboot required). I put it in a Win98 box and it
> > least comes up and works at VGA resolution. {Many other examples could
> > cited - this is just the one I'm infuriated about at this moment.}
> that's strange. just list the ChipID statement in your XF86Config file.
> I had this working before I switched machines. 4.2.0 (which just came out)
> supports this out of the box as well. This particular issue is no
> on windows vs. linux. it's a driver issue. the chipset on recent xpert
> are different than the previous. windows will say "i dont know what the
> card is, use vga" where linux says "i dont' know what the video card is.
> me." no real difference

Two problems:

1) ChipID doesn't apply to Rage 128 boards.
>From xfree.org: "ChipID can only be used with Mach32 or Mach64 adapters,
and, thus, specifically excludes any other adapter from matching the
``Device'' section."

2) Where do I find this "magic number" ChipID? And how is a mere mortal
supposed to know such things who just wants their friggin video to work.

It's entirely different on Win.  Windows doesn't ask me what my dot clock
frequency is, doesn't ask me what my monitor horizontal freq is, vert freq
and a dozen other technical details that I couldn't ultimately care less
about. I just want it to work and Windows can accomplish that even though it
doesn't even have a driver for this card.

And the thing wouldn't work at VGA resolution, or any other in Linux.

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