Michael Hipp wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Windoze will let you completely fubar the video settings to something
> > above what the monitor will handle.  Good luck getting that fixed
> > without reinstalling the OS, when you have no video, no telnet, no ssh.
> All you gotta do is sit on your hands for 10 seconds and it will revert
> automatically to the previous (working) setting. That or use safe mode as
> someone pointed out.
> Never tried a dual-head setup. It's supposed to work on W2k.

>>If the setting doesn't revert just power down.and reboot. During reboot  depending 
>on the motherboard hit F8 (some boxes F6) after the Bio boot presentation and before 
>the Win system can start to boot. Or wait until you get the colored M$ logo when it 
>starts to reboot and kill the power. Then reboot. This should take you into the dos 
>menu. Select safe mode and let Win boot up. It will bootup in the VGA mode. Once in 
>the Win safe window. Select the control panel>display>settings and change the 
>settings back to their original settings. 
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