----- Original Message -----
From: "Zoran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:09 AM
Subject: <OT> Re: an interesting experience

> On Jan 20 Michael Hipp was heard saying:
> ->My point is that we need to make this stuff *simple*. Rather than brag
> ->how we're able to do hard things. Let's brag about how an ordinary joe
> ->doesn't need to do hard things 'cause it's all easy (in Linux).
> *** One, I don't see why ordinary Joe has to be able to do it. He doesn't
> do it with Windows as it comes pre-installed so I don't see why he should
> be able to do it with Linux. If he wants simplicity there're enough
> different sorts of Mac's waiting for him.  Two, what you reffering to
> wasn't all that difficult... if only people would stop keeping the cliche
> alive that typing is more "difficult" than clicking and three, I don't see
> why we have to follow Windows (as in "particular way of using your PC")
> and copy it. Linux is not Microsoft Windows and there's no point in trying
> to make it look and behave like one.

The ordinary joe just might want to buy a CD-R/W drive and get it to work
(Myles father did, which is what the original post was about). Why shouldn't
he be able to.

And are you really serious that you want anyone who switches from Win to go
to iMac. If you think MS is an unbearable monopoly, I hate to see how the
Apple gang would behave with 95% market share. They were utterly intolerable
back when they had 10%.

I find it *utterly amazing* that people actually argue against the idea that
Linux could and should be easier to use for "regular" people.

I'm not suggesting that we clone Windows (bugs and all). I'm suggesting that
we take the rough edges off Linux. That, by the way, is exactly what
Mandrake, Elx, Redmond Linux (or whatever it's now called) seem to be trying
to do. I pray they succeed.


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