On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 04:34, Net Llama wrote:

> Oh gawd no.  Kudzu is the biggest flaming POS i've come across in all of
> Linux.  I've stopped counting the number of boxes that its locked up,
> fubarred or othewise rendered useless.

The part of kudzu I am impressed with is it's auto-detection of added / 
removed hardware during boot up. Particularly sound. Like similar modules, 
sound comes with lotsa pre- and post- install extras, too many, for the 
average joe like me to keep up with. As in I'm really not fascinated with 
whatever chip model make and number it is and how many midi ports it might 
have and whether it uses the async 6502 mac emulation, I just want the bloody 
thing installed so I can get on with MUCH more interesting items on _that_ 
machine, while playing a normal audio cd. Ditto, kudzu does a much more than 
adequate job with mice, detecting even hotplugging, the usb varieties. 
Obviously, whoever is writing kudzu is maintaininga  data base of quirks and 
features of each device as encountered. better he does, than I have to.

Not so impressive is kudzu's (apparent) manipulation of /etc/fstab, i really, 
really don't appreciate new names and extra bits in /dev being plunked there 
for me. (presumably, if I man kudzu I could find some answers, but I want to 
get on an use, not play, with the computer I have this week.)

Sour grapes Llllama, auto detection aint that tuff, hell, the unmentionable 
os has had it since 1995, so it's been a long time coming. If kudzu aint that 
good, there has to be a better one, real soon now. It's needed.

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