On Monday 21 January 2002 15:57 pm, Bill Campbell wrote:
> I did copy everything from the TP off to the network, and reloaded the old
> Linux partition back under a directory on the new system so I wouldn't have
> to be searching for old files.  I also have an Adaptec PMCIA SCSI card for
> the TP, and made backups to an external tape just to be on the safe side.

Hmmm   I don't have any SCSI on the TP but I *do* have two DAT tape drives 
sitting here (and appropirate Windows Backup software) and all I would need 
is a PMCIA card to attach the drives.  eBay here I come.

I'm also wondering if I could pull this off:

1) Backup the TP from another Windows machine with DAT attached.
2) Put new HD in TP and try the CD that came with it for a restore of vanilla 
3) When network is back up and running, try a restore from the 2nd WIN and 
DAT tape.   Worth a try I suppose.  

> The only times I've ever reinstalled Windows on the ThinkPads, I've used
> the restore CD that came with them which.  I've also used this when
> installing Linux originally rather than mess with Partition Magic or other
> resizing software (at least IBM's smart enough to put Windows in a
> relatively small partition, and not in one huge partion).

Yeh, I could use the CD but I've added a lot of on-line updates from IBM that 
I would have to go through all over again...   wasn't an easy task but I do 
still have the files on the TP.

> BTW:  When I got the new hard drive, I called IBM support to find out where
> to buy an extra mounting bracket for the new drive so I could just swap
> drives quickly without having to mess with screws and such.  The support
> person said this wasn't really his department, but took the model number,
> got the necessary part numbers, and set up a conference call with the
> appropriate people so I could order it quickly.  Excellent support is the
> primary reason we use only IBM laptops (that and I can't stand the
> touchpads instead of the little eraser in the keyboard :-).

I pulled my current drive this afternoon.  Just one screw and a slight tug 
removes it from my A20m.  I assume the new drive will be readily pluggable.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/21/02 16:11  +
" Guns don't kill people, postal workers do."
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