On Tuesday 22 January 2002 0:06 am, Philip J. Koenig wrote:
> On 21 Jan 2002, at 12:57, Bill Campbell boldly uttered:
> > BTW:  When I got the new hard drive, I called IBM support to find out
> > where to buy an extra mounting bracket for the new drive so I could just
> > swap drives quickly without having to mess with screws and such.  The
> > support person said this wasn't really his department, but took the model
> > number, got the necessary part numbers, and set up a conference call with
> > the appropriate people so I could order it quickly.  Excellent support is
> > the primary reason we use only IBM laptops (that and I can't stand the
> > touchpads instead of the little eraser in the keyboard :-).
> One thing that you can do on some Thinkpads is get a converter that
> will allow you to replace the battery with a 2nd HD.  I did this on
> my older Tpad when doing an HD upgrade and it's a *way* convenient
> way to copy stuff over without having to deal with external backup
> mediums.
> I totally agree on IBM service, which is one reason why I'm a
> dedicated Tpad user and I recommend them to all my clients.
> Phil

I think I've found an answer....   I have backup software that will write to 
a disk...   that disk can be remote on the LAN.

So I will backup the TP to another Windows machine, put the new drive in and 
install a new Windows and the backup software.   Then restore from the backup.

If all goes well, the job is done.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         01/22/02 00:15  +
Schnatterly's Summing Up of the Corollaries:
   "If anything can't go wrong, it will"
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