On Wednesday 06 February 2002 01:22 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 February 2002 10:23 pm, Michael Hipp warbled:
> > Where would I come up with a libstdc++-libc6.1-2.so.3 and what would I
> > do with it once I had it?
> >
> > I have a package to install that can't live without it. I'm running
> > COLW 3.1.1.
> Go to rpmfind.net and search for a suitable rpm. Download it and install,
> do a ldconfig -v. Should be fine then.

Thanks. I thought to look there. But searches turn up nothing of the sort.  
Even a search on just 'libc6' turns up empty. A look at the alphabetic 
index starting with 'l' gets no farther than "libstdc++-" before the 
entries turn into something else entirely. And the numbers bear no 
resemblence to 1-2.so.3.

Obviously I don't know what I'm doing. Any handholding appreciated.

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