[ snip ]

On Mon, 11 Feb 2002 05:17:06 +0530 "zohar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the main point for needing windows is its ease of use but
needs> fast hardware.
> This is not understood by the people because nowadays hardware is not
as> much costly as it was before.
> If someone could give the CDs of the customized version of Linux that
> also includes office suite (Staroffice 6.0) and a GUI that makes
> operating easy then it can make a big hole in Microsoft's monopoly as
it> can also perform on a slow HW also whose lower cost government can
> afford..

People with older, slower machines (like my K6/300Mz/196Meg box) are not
going to be very happy with StarOffice/OpenOffice.  Now that I have a
P3/900Mz/256Meg box, the program is quite usable.

My wife and daughter are still using the older box on Win98 with the
usual accoutrement of Parllel Port Scanner sharing with the Printer, IE,
Netscape, Word, Excel, and the occasional Word Perfect, and they
wouldn't be likely to put up with what I have to put up with to use
Linux or FreeBSD.

Until you can buy a linux box at Best Buy and take it home and use it
without a friendly unix guru at your side, not much is going to happen. 
People will pay through the nose for Windows and love it.  Only the
security minded and the cost conscious and the tinkerers among us are
likely to switch at this point.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
WWTLRD? - ELX rc1 with xfce and sylpheed
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