I run an imap server on my home box but don't allow access to it for
security reasons from outside my home network. I pop the mail off @HOME for
I may have to do make her use hammershome for her mail address.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 12:28:23AM -0500, Tim Wunder wrote:
> I feel your pain...
> You could always run a pop3 server, or imap, and allow external access to 
> hammershome.com. Better than having her use AOL...
> BTW, my wife uses yahoo web-based mail. She switched everything over to that 
> after @home lost her configuration data and her e-mail was inactive for 3 
> days (happened over a weekend last year sometime and nobody was available 
> that could fix their database...). I've read that you can even get POP access 
> to your yahoo account, if you agree to receive spam^H^H^H^Hadvertising.
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