On 06/03/12 11:38, Phill Coxon wrote:
Is Firefox getting more bloated, slower, buggy and leaking memory everywhere?

Maybe it's just the plugins I use but I'm getting really tired of it. Frequently my desktop is locking up completely with disk io so badly that the desktop and mouse starts locking up for 30-60 seconds at a time. If I'm lucky I can manage to kill firefox and wait a couple of minutes for the io activity to calm down to get a responsive desktop back.

I love Firefox but find myself using Chromium more and more often.

Surely memory leaks in firefox and popular addons should be improving over time, not getting worse...

Does anyone else have similar problems with Firefox?

Kubuntu 11.04 64bit, 6Gb RAM, good fast CPU, lots of disk.

If it's happening frequently enough, maybe you could make an educated guess and turn most add-ons off, or just turn them all off, turning back on slowly enough that you can pin down the offender?

As a former firefox devotee, I'm happy on chrome these days though at home approx. weekly will get a cpu core hitting 100% which htop reports being chrome. I'm certain it is some bit of flash wonderment rather than chrome as such, though I have no inclination to figure out which site(s) is responsible given the frequency. Only mentioning since it's unlikely there's no "browser experience" totally free from issue unless you are using lynx. Which has a different set of issues . . .

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