Thank you all for helping me with the missing mappings.

I'tt will take some time till I get all the necassary
mappings to build Yudit. As you know I use these maps
to map a paticular font - text converters are just a

I also would like to re-iterate that Unihan-3.2.0.txt
is not the right source to build these font maps, because
of the following reasons:

o JIS-0201 is totally undefined

o Thousands of JIS->UNICODE codepoints are missing.
  A `grep kJIS0213  Unihan-3.2.0.txt | wc -l` may prove it
  (It should be more than 11 thousand instead of the misetable 3627).

  For instance (just to pick a missing one):
  JIS X 0213 1-16-17 (Plane2 0x2435) -> U+8466

o There are errors:
  U+9B1C  kJIS0213        2,93,27
  Should be:
  U+9B1D  kJIS0213        2,93,27

I would like to have local encoding -> Unicode  character mappings
published by the Consortium - otherwise I am not convinved that
Unicode is supporting characters in national standards - which may
question its usability.

Thanks you,

Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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