On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, David Starner wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 07, 2002 at 11:04:36AM +0900, Gaspar Sinai wrote:
> > Unicode Consortium are just plain wrong if  they think that someone
> > will throw away the national standard and replace it with nothing.
> > National Standards do not need to prove that Unicode can be transformed
> > to them, the local standard body has no  responsibility to make the
> > mapping.
> More and more code translates internally to Unicode. Both GTK and the
> new X font system use only Unicode internally. Most Microsoft code is
> Unicode internally, from what I here. People like the idea of dealing
> with only one character set and are probably going to continue
> converting to Unicode no matter what the Japanese think about it.

I am very sorry if I sounded a bit more harsh than I meant I would not
make a Unicode Editor if I didn't like the idea. The idea of a
common standard is great - but the implementation of it named
Unicode suck^H^H^H^H far from being perfect.

I would like to make Unicode better but there is not way to do it -
I am an independent hobbyist with no influence. But being an
independent developer also helps me ignore reasons like:

 *...'cause big softwrare vendors use it...*

If I listened to such reasons in 1993 I would use Windows now and not

That being said, I am progressing pretty well with the mapping and
I may need just a little  PUA - most of the glyphs will nbe mapped to
whatever closest - it is a tedious manual work.

I am planning yudit-2.6.beta1 in a week or two - it works pretty
well on my desktop. For glyphs Unicode plane1 I could find only
jisx0213.2000 encoded X11 fonts on the Net but they work pretty well
with my mapping.

Maybe in a seperate thread someone could tell us if there are
plane1 X11 Unicode bitmap fonts available, and what the
XLLFD encding part should be - I hardcoded printf (iso10646p2%d,
plane) for now till I find a font.


Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels
Archive:      http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/

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