On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 07:36:31 +0530
Saswata Banerjee & Associates wrote:

> Most of the similar events today have multiple talks / workshops in
> differing topics at the same time so that people have a choice of
> sessions to participate in. If that pattern is being followed, we
> may need to think of a place where there is perhaps one large
> auditorium, but also a number of smaller halls / meeting rooms which
> can be used.

I am not sure whether this would really be suitable, in the sense that
our planned workshops are quite focused in topics, unlike previous
ones that were rather general. It might be that someone is interested
in more than one topics being taken up simultaneously and s/he would
be in a fix! Or maybe I didn't understand your point correctly?

Tahir Hashmi (VSE, NCST)
tahir AT ncst DOT ernet DOT in

We, the rest of humanity, wish GNU luck and Godspeed


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