Micha Nelissen wrote:
> I agree it's desirable to have this information. Notes:
> 1) is rio_dev->prev used anywhere? (maybe I missed it)

It is used to scan route back when servicing an orphaned PW message.
I also see its future use when invalidating route(s) in case of device
> 2) is the nextdev[port] list complete? I mean are all connected
> in the list? My guess is that multiply connected switches are
> only once therefore only appear in the nextdev if only one switch,
> instead of all
> 3) it would be nice to have all switch connections information.

Good catch. I will address this.

> In case ever the network is rerouted, this information will become
> useful; instead of having a tree representation of the network only.

I consider proposed implementation as transitional until enumeration
logic is reworked.
It already is an attempt to move towards a tree representation. Making
switch support 
available was given higher priority compared to other things needed for
RIO subsystem.  


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