Bastien Nocera said the following on 10/09/2012 05:37 PM:
> On Tue, 2012-10-09 at 17:23 +0200, Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>> Bastien Nocera said the following on 10/09/2012 05:18 PM:
>>> WACOM_DEVICE_INTEGRATED_UNSET = -1 Then. The compiler will make it
>>> an int instead of an unsigned int.
>> Humm, nope, not what I want.
>> -1 will have all bits set to 1 if I a not mistaken, so that means all
>> the bits mask will return true, which is not suited. Of course we
>> could test specifically for -1, but using a specific bit for UNSET has
>> an additional benefit imhop, it indicates that the info is not from
>> the database itself.
> Then use 0 for unset, and something else for none...

What would be the benefit of that?

0 is not a bit, so we loose the additional benefit of being able to 
tell the info is not from the database (even if that's not a crucial 
feature, I fail to understand why it needs to be changed).


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