Peter Hutterer said the following on 10/17/2012 12:12 AM:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 04:40:14PM +0200, Olivier Fourdan wrote:
>> Hi Peter,
>> Peter Hutterer said the following on 10/16/2012 07:35 AM:
>>> [...]
>>> git bisect claims this broke make check (dbverify segfaults). Can you please
>>> double-check that? thanks.
>> Well, actually, this is not a segfault but an assert() which fails.
>> Reason it fails is because it compares the definition in the old database 
>> against the new one, problem these patches add new information that were not 
>> present in the older database so these tests will necessarily fail each time 
>> we add new information to the existing entries of the database.
> dbverify doesn't really have a old/new database though. it loads the
> database once, writes it to a file, then re-reads that file as new database
> and compares it to the original. Theory goes that the two databases have to
> be identical, otherwise either write or read is broken.
> In my case it breaks on the first I4 tablet, so I suspect the LED stuff
> either doesn't print correctly, compare correctly or read correctly*. This is
> the real problem we need to find.

Oh crap yes, it's not the right patch that was pushed in git :-(

The one which was pushed in git reads "StatusLEDs=" and writes "LEDs=" 
so it would indeed fail...

The correct one was:

I shall send a fix to get to the same level as that one then.


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