On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 3:50 PM, Alberto Rodriguez Natal (natal)
<na...@cisco.com> wrote:
> On 3/13/18, 1:05 PM, "Tom Herbert" <t...@quantonium.net> wrote:
>     >
>     >     This is reflected below in: "While the mapping is being resolved via
>     >     the Map-Request/  Map-Reply process, the ILA-N can send the data
>     >     packets to the underlay using the SIR address."
>     >
>     >     I think it should be assumed in ILA that not queuing packets and not
>     >     dropping packets because of resolution are requirements (too much
>     >     latency hit).
>     >
>     > IMHO, these should not be hard requirements. Leveraging ILA-Rs for 
> mapping resolution has another set of tradeoffs to be considered. An operator 
> should be able to decide which set of tradeoffs makes sense for his/her 
> particular scenario.
>     >
>     This is a hard requirement because caches are explicitly not required
>     for ILA to operate. They are *only* optimizations. If there is a cache
>     hit then packets presumably get optimized path, on a cache miss they
>     might take a subopitimal route-- but packets still flow without being
>     blocked! This means that the worse case DOS attack on the cache might
>     cause suboptimal routing; however, if resolution is required then the
>     worse attack case becomes that packets don't flow and it's a much more
>     effective attack.
> Performing the mapping resolution at the ILA-N doesn't mean that you can't 
> send the packets to the ILA-R to avoid the first-packet-drop. Those are two 
> different things. Traditionally in LISP, a possible deployment model is to 
> have a couple of RTRs with all the mappings in the site, so xTRs can use them 
> as default path while they are resolving mappings. In this scenario, all the 
> mapping resolution is done at the xTRs while the RTRs are only forwarding 
> "first-packets". We have seen this model working really well even for large 
> LISP deployments.
>     >     In ILAMP, a redirect method is defined. On a chache miss the packet 
> is
>     >     forwarded and no other action is taken. If an ILA-R does
>     >     transformation it may send back a mapping redirect informing the 
>     >     of a transformation. The redirects must be completely secure (one
>     >     reason I'm partial to TCP) and are only sent to inform an ILA-N 
> about
>     >     a positive response. To a large extent this neutralizes the above
>     >     random address DOS attack. There are other means of attack on the
>     >     cache, but the exposure is narrowed I believe.
>     >
>     > That model is supported in LISP via the use of Map-Notifies. However, 
> moving the mapping resolution to the ILA-R comes at a cost. It's putting more 
> load (in terms of both data and control plane) into an architectural 
> component that it's not easy to scale out, since it requires (for instance) 
> reconfiguring the underlay topology.
>     I'm not see how this creates more load (i.e. the need for map request
>     packets are eliminated), but I really don't understand what
>     "reconfiguring the underlay topology" means!
> Happy to try to clarify this. I'm talking about the load in the ILA-R. With a 
> "redirect" model, the ILA-R has to (1) serve as the data-plane default path 
> and (2) provide control-plane mapping resolution. This is centralizing the 
> data-plane and control-plane into a single component, the ILA-R. Moreover, 
> this will also require a lot of punts from the fast path to the slow path in 
> the ILA-R which has also implications. With a request/reply model, the 
> control-plane resolution is performed at the edges in a distributed fashion 
> and the ILA-R only serves as data-plane default path to avoid dropping 
> traffic. The latter model alleviates the load in the ILA-Rs, which reduces 
> the need to scale them out.
Yes, but you are ignoring the load on the mapping servers which also
needs to scale. Additionally, if ILA-N is both forwarding a packet and
sending a map request then this potentially doubles the packet load on
the network and exacerbates the potential DOS attack where someone
floods an ILA-N with packets having bogus destinations. There might be
mitigations to this DOS attack, like heavy-hitters you mentioned, but
we really need the details to see exactly how this works and how
effective they are. On the surface of it, it looks like
request/response model is susceptible to DOS especially when third
parties are allowed to drive the process.


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