Don Heath has been a consistent supporter of those whom Michael Sondow
complains about for years.

Some say that he was quick to embrace Robert Shaw and the ITU, and to
involve WIPO in the process.

Here is some information from my canarie talk in December.

"Other's started using Jon postel early and for their own purposes. It
began with Jon's first draft in 96 when he proposed giving new TLDs to
anyone who met a minimal bond requirement.
This position was quickly repudiated by Don Heath as he inserted ISOC and
IAHC into the process at the Harvard Aug. 96 workshop.  In theory Heath was
there representing Postel.
In fact Heath took the position: "I am in charge and Jon will have to get
my approval."  [end  canarie excerpt.]

Heath was against the IFWP process from the very beginning suggesting in a
June 10th  98 email that ISOC attend the Reston meetring and that, if it
looked significant, that ISOC overwhelm it.  In early july of 98 he tired
his best to split IFWP by discrediting Jim Dixon.

Heath would like the world to think that ICANN is ISOC's creation.  Again
and again he does what he pleases and asks the ISOC Boar d for permission
afterwards.  Some board members have privately  let me know that they are
unhappy with Heath....other ISOC boad members  have let me know that they
been simply unaware in any detail of  what Heath has been doing.

I will say it again.  A board member has told me that Heath's contract is
yearly (this after other boar d members implied that the expense of buying
him out could bankrupt ISOC).  I am told his contract renews next month.
The ISOC board now has an opportunity to say whether it endorses Heath's
action.  The result will be interesting.  Vint cerf is unlikely to waver in
his support of Heath.  how many other boart d  memebers will be willing to
vote against Vint?

The COOK Report on Internet      431 Greenway Ave, Ewing, NJ 08618 USA
(609) 882-2572 (phone & fax) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NOTE: Contempt in which ICANN PRES. MIKE ROBERTS holds rest of Internet:
"Some of those people think the management [ICANN] should check with the
public [the Communities of the Internet] every time they make a decision,
which is crazy," Roberts said. "That's flat-out crazy." WIRED NEWS 2/4/99

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