Dr Eberhard W Lisse a écrit:

> Please, post to the list of record ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) with cc to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]), who on behalf of ISOC, made what input intot he DNSO
> process, in particular DNSO.ORG, when, using which forum, and where is
> this documented (minutes of meetings, archies of lists, copies of emails)?

Dr. Lisse-

They say that because Lynn St. Amour and Javier Sola were at Monterrey or
Washington, and because Don Heath was at Washington (although he never
participated in any discussions), ISOC is behind the DNSO.org draft. So far
as I can see, all they can really say is that those three people support it,
since apparently no poll of their membership was taken.

This is the trouble with organizations. One or two people who, for whatever
personal reason, support something, then claim that they represent hundreds
or thousands of others. But, where are the others? I haven't seen them or
heard from them. If there are hundreds of ISOC members who support the
CORE/INTA draft, why weren't they at Monterrey, or Washington, or on the
mailing lists collaborating in the discussions about drafting the proposals?
This sort of nonsense is precisely what keeps the ICIIU from becoming a
membership organization. Too many abuses. In the end, people must speak for
themselves and, if they don't, their voice just doesn't count.

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