On 09-Feb-99 Kent Crispin wrote:
>  On Tue, Feb 09, 1999 at 12:28:36AM -0800, William X. Walsh wrote:
> > 
> > >  I was not the editor of this draft, and I contributed only small
> > >  parts of the text. 
> > 
> > Then please provide the names of the people who edited and contributed text
> > to
> > this draft.
>  David Maher, Jon Englund, and Joe Alhadeff did most of the editing. 
>  However, there were two very large telecons with me, david, jon, joe,
>  theresa swinehart, michael schnieder, amadeu, fay howard, mike
>  heltzer, marilyn cade, sarah deutsch, ken stubbs, barb dooley, keith
>  gymer, roger cochetti, kilnam chon, john wood, and maybe 6 or 10 more
>  -- I got these names from a giant email alias I made that had a bunch
>  of names on it.  Not all of them were on the calls but a lot of them
>  were.  And most of them didn't actually contribute text -- the way
>  things were done was to go down the list of question-marked items on
>  the latest draft, and verbally discuss wording, which the editors
>  would go back and pick up.  I don't really know how the editors
>  divided up the work.  David sent me a next-to-final draft to
>  proofread, and I suggested a few grammar/spelling/wording changes. 
>  If you count another impromptu meeting or two, the number of involved 
>  people would go up slightly -- might include another name or two that 
>  you might recognize.
>  Of course, lots of the language was cobbled from previous drafts and
>  other documents. 

I would have to go back and do a line by line comparison, but I won't be
surprised if I find most of the language in the current draft came from your
own draft Kent, which was done by ignoring input from the DNSO.org list
participants, or even the DNSO.org drafting committee.

If I find differently, I apologize.  But I find it interesting to note that not
all the names you gave ended up supporting your draft.....

E-Mail: William X. Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 09-Feb-99
Time: 01:09:04
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