There is a serverfault question about this:

SCP does (did) have performance problems. They fall into two groups.
First, over a WAN the internal buffer was a bit too small for high
speed (100 meg) connections with a round trip time of greater than 30
milliseconds. When connections pushed toward 1 gig, it was way too
slow. I think recent copies of OpenSSH have a bigger buffer that
reduces the speed limiting. Second, as described in the above link,
the CPU requirements for the encryption in SCP can hit the host CPU
limiter in ESX and that can limit bandwidth. Check that as well.

I've got an ESX 5 machine and the limiting factor on copies is the 100
meg ethernet switch that I'm plugged into (big ISO copies top out at
12.5MB/sec, which is limit for a 100 meg TCP/IP connection).


On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 8:54 AM, Ryan Coleman <> wrote:
> I’m not running this data through the firewalls - this is across the LAN 
> right now. :-\
>> On Jun 5, 2015, at 10:46 AM, Espen Johansen <> wrote:
>> Any chance you have set something in the shaper that causes it?
>> fre. 5. juni 2015, 17:43 skrev Ryan Coleman <>:
>>>> On Jun 5, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Brennan H. McNenly <
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> And those of you with VMware experience… if I run the virtual firewall
>>> I would need to have at least a VMware Essentials license to come close to
>>> the throughput, right? Since the IOps are capped at something like 10MB/sec
>>> in the free version.
>>>> There are no IOP or throughput limits on the free version of the ESXi
>>> hypervisor.  The VMWare Essentials license gets you vSphere which can be
>>> used to manage up to three ESXi hosts.  This also lets you setup an HA
>>> cluster with those hosts.
>>>> Otherwise you can run ESXi stand alone for free without vSphere and
>>> without any performance limits.
>>> Hmm. I wonder why my file transfers never exceed 10MB/sec then… I’ve been
>>> trying to migrate many TB of data via SCP to the datastore but I also have
>>> similar caps when doing FTP over the LAN to a server.
>>> If there’s someone here that would be interested in giving me a hand with
>>> this off list I’d be most appreciative. Moving 13TB of data at 10MB/sec has
>>> been very challenging.
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