
I have the same constellation, and I had to enable "Static Port" for outgoing packets from the PBX box.

Documentation here:

My settings:

"Firewall" -> "NAT" -> "Outbound":

- Outbound NAT Mode:
  - "Hybrid Outbound NAT"

- Mapping:
  - Protocol: UDP
  - Source: Your PBX
  - Destination: Any
  - Address: Interface Address
  - Port Range:  **check "Static Port"**




On 01/09/2018 03:34 PM, Roberto Carna wrote:
Dear, I have an Asterisk PBX in a DMZ behind a pfSense and a remote
peer out of the pfSense. I connect PBX and Peer in order to establish
a SIP trunk.

In the path "PBX -- pfSense -- SIP trunk peer" there is no NAT at all.

So we have generated two firewall rules:

PBX --> SIP Peer with ANY
SIP Peer --> PBX with ANY

But often the SIP packets coming from the SIP Peer don't cross the
pfSEnse to PBX. The packets never reach my PBX.

Is there any feature I have to enable/disable in pfSense in order to
work with SIP protocol to have established the SIP trunk ???

The SIP trunk provider tell me that the SIP Options they send me are
not responded by us.

Thanks a lot,

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