It is most likely the ISP device.

On Sun, Feb 11, 2018 at 2:12 PM, Marco <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have set up port forwarding multiple times in the past and it has always
> worked. But I now have a machine that fails to forward a port. No clue why.
> Maybe I'm missing the obvious here.
> My network:
>   Internet -> ISP provided “NAT device” -> pfSense (2.4.2-RELEASE-p1)
> For debugging purposes I simplified the setup, turned off IDS, pfBlockerNG,
> used IPs instead of aliases.
> 1) The port forward from the WAN to is set up.
> 2) A corresponding WAN rule is created as well:
>   On another machine this already is enough to get it working. But not on this
>   one. Nmap shows “filtered”.
> 3) Confirming the port 8000 is actually open on
>   Yes, it is.
> 4) Now testing from the external IP:
>   Nope!
>   Again using an external service:
>   No, James!
> 5) States:
> 6) Packet capture:
> I read:
>> Common Problems
>> 1. NAT and firewall rules not correctly added (see How can I forward ports 
>> with pfSense?)
> I guess it's all correct, works on another machine.
>>     Hint: Do NOT set a source port
> not set
>> 2. Firewall enabled on client machine
> nope
>> 3. Client machine is not using pfSense as its default gateway
> pfSense is the default gateway
>> 4. Client machine not actually listening on the port being forwarded
> It is, see
>> 5. ISP or something upstream of pfSense is blocking the port being forwarded
> I guess the states table and packet capture should be empty if that's the
> case, right?
>> 6. Trying to test from inside the local network, need to test from an 
>> outside machine
> Tested both, see
>> 7. Incorrect or missing Virtual IP configuration for additional public IP 
>> addresses
> No clue, haven't configured anything virtual.
>> 8. The pfSense router is not the border router. If there is something else 
>> between pfSense and the ISP, the port forwards and associated rules must be 
>> replicated there.
> True, pfSense is not the border router, ISP provided “NAT gateway” is. Device
> is configured to forward everything to the pfSense box, though.
>> 9. Forwarding ports to a server behind a Captive Portal. An IP bypass must 
>> be added both to and from the server's IP in order for a port forward to 
>> work behind a Captive Portal.
> nope
>> 10. If this is on a WAN that is not the default gateway, make sure there is 
>> a gateway chosen on this WAN interface, or the firewall rules for the port 
>> forward would not reply back via the correct gateway.
> WAN is default gateway
>> 11. If this is on a WAN that is not the default gateway, ensure the traffic 
>> for the port forward is NOT passed in via Floating Rules or an Interface 
>> Group. Only rules present on the WAN's interface tab under Firewall Rules 
>> will have the reply-to keyword to ensure the traffic responds properly via 
>> the expected gateway.
> didn't configure floating rules
>> 12. If this is on a WAN that is not the default gateway, make sure the 
>> firewall rule(s) allowing the traffic in do not have the box checked to 
>> disable reply-to.
> not the case
>> 13. If this is on a WAN that is not the default gateway, make sure the 
>> master reply-to disable switch is not checked under System > Advanced, on 
>> the Firewall/NAT tab.
> not the case
>> 14. WAN rules should NOT have a gateway set, so make sure that the rules for 
>> the port forward do NOT have a gateway configured on the actual rule.
> see
>> 15. If the traffic appears to be forwarding in to an unexpected device, it 
>> may be happening due to UPnP. Check Status > UPnP to see if an internal 
>> service has configured a port forward unexpectedly. If so, disable UPnP on 
>> either that device or on the firewall.
> UPnP is not used
> I guess I'm missing the obvious here, since port forwards are rather
> straightforward in pfSense and have never given me troubles in the past. A
> nudge in the right direction is appreciated.
> Marco
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