> I don't know of an existing solution, but where static pages are
> concerned, anything that can be done with JS can be done with PERL, PHP,
> JSP or whatever.

I tend to disagree. I think trying to manipulate your HTML output by
buffering it and processing it on the server side is overkill. JavaScript
works nicely here because the HTML is going to be parsed and loaded into the
DOM client side anyway. I also think what Thierry is proposing is a simple
solution which will degrade nicely if JavaScript is unavailable or turned
off. You could fall back to the CSS styling of your abbreviations in that

I also think this technique may also have value in the presentation of
microformats as in vCard. You could put a little business card icon next to
names which could show the contact information on a hover over.

> On the other hand, this
> solution has already been discussed in the context of final print
> output, and would seem beneficial to all users, regardless of
> technology, which makes server-side manipulation much more effective.

This is really not a print issue, since Thierry is dealing with an attribute
in a tag (<abbr>) it wouldn't show up on a print out. A similar instance is
where print outs don't show the URL (href attributes) to links.

My two cents,
Kepler Gelotte

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