Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
WebKit is the rendering engine behind Safari. What you have downloaded is a nightly build of what will be Safari 3.0 in Spring 2007. And yes, Safari 3.0 will have a WebInspector, just as OmniWeb 5.5 already has one - not a surpirse, as it uses the same WebKit rendering engine. And it is very possible that a bug you see in Safari 1.3/2.0 doesn't exist anymore in those nightly WebKit builds. One would hope that some bugs get fixed, after all...

Indeed! I'll reserve my bitterness over inconvenient progressions for IE7. Hehehe.

Thanks for the info - I downloaded the OmniWeb 5.5.1 trial (gorgeous tabs system, incidentally); and it renders the page in question, with bug, exactly like the current release of Safari. Excellent (for my purposes).

However I see no sign of a WebInspector... It's not immediately apparent from OmniWeb's interface, Omni don't seem to think it's worth mentioning in their list of fancy features, and a site search for 'inspector' only finds instances of it in their other products (all irrelevant in this case).

Is it a third party plugin?


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