Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
Close Omniweb and type the following (exactly !) in a new terminal window:
defaults write com.omnigroup.OmniWeb5 WebKitDeveloperExtras -bool true
(one line, watch out for wrapping).
And you'll see that it is still missing some panes.

Fantastic! This is exactly what I need. Thank you very much.

(to keep it ore on topic, aka debugging tools)
One feature is sorely missing in WebKits inspector: the ability to live edit properties and values for an element. I use that the whole time with Gecko's DomInspector. IE's toolbar also has this option.

It is a very useful (if a little unreliable) feature of Gecko's... I still prefer the dev toolbar live css modifier for the purposes of trial.

IE's toolbar infuriates me a bit, but it does at least give some indication of what IE thinks is going on. As far as I can work out, the only dynamic ability is the creation or removal of id or class attributes, which I really can't conceive of as being useful in any but the most specific situations.


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