On 1/24/07, Cheryl Lead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I did write a lot of comments about it though so hopefully these comments
will make it back to the site owners. It's just such a shame that in 2006
(when the judging was done) the majority of companies are still so unaware
of accessibility standards and why they are important.

AIMIA is traditionally very multimedia-based rather than web-based,
which influences the types of entries, I think. In previous years it's
always been the Flash-driven and very flashy sites that have won over
the usable and accessible. It's also quite expensive to enter/be a
member, which means larger companies are more likely to be involved
than smaller shops.

The WA Web Awards (www.wawebawards.com.au) and the McFarlaine Prize
attract a different type of entry. For the WAWAs this year (I'm on the
committee), we're actually considering making standards compliance an
eligibility criterion rather than a judging criterion, given the
progress we've seen in the entries over the last two years.


Kay Smoljak
business: www.cleverstarfish.com
standards: kay.zombiecoder.com
coldfusion: kay.smoljak.com
personal: goatlady.wordpress.com

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