On 04/16/2015 11:35 AM, Savolainen, Petri (Nokia - FI/Espoo) wrote:
If it stays I want it tested or it will rot like odp_shm has in this
very directory. To test it that probably means that helpers are
independently tested from the API so we need to find the correct
location for the test - maybe helpers need to be an independent library
to start with ?

You could create tests for helpers under “helper/test”.

Helpers are independent from ODP API (helpers may use ODP API, but ODP
API must not use helpers), but ODP tests suite and examples use those.
The purpose of helpers is to enable easy test applications creation and
maintenance (e.g. reuse the Ethernet header definition over all test
apps). Since test apps are under ODP repo, so should be helpers. Real
applications may or may not use helpers, but those should not expect
helpers to be HW accelerated or otherwise optimized.

Currently both ODP examples/tests and linux-generic platform uses
helpers. This prevents clear separation of helpers from implementation.
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