I don't really see the point of extending the support of JDK 1.1 for future
versions of log4j.  Log4j has been full featured and stable for a long
time.  Any one of log4j releases 1.3 and backwards are more than enough for
most development environments constrained to run in JDK 1.1.  Most customer
sites I visit that are using log4j, don't upgrade frequently.  They are
happy enough with the first version they download and have better things to
do than keep their logging infrastructure on the bleeding edge.

Environments that require JDK 1.1 are probably running all kinds of
back-leveled Java libraries, tools and runtime environments.  Running a
back-leveled log4j should not be a problem for these environments.  That
was the motivation for my "+1".

- Paul

Paul Glezen
Consulting IT Specialist
IBM Software Services for WebSphere
818 539 3321

robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/18/2002
09:41:33 AM

Please respond to "Log4J Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:    "Log4J Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:    Re: [VOTE] Requiring JDK 1.2

On Thursday, October 17, 2002, at 11:58 PM, Ceki Gülcü wrote:

> At 15:05 17.10.2002 -0700, you wrote:
>> I do not know what all of the 1.2 dependent bits are, but it should be
>> possible to abstract those components into interfaces and create version
>> specific instances from a factory.  So, for the NDC bits, you can
>> abstract the ThreadLocal usage, and use a substitute (perhaps with a low
>> priority bg thread to clean up) on 1.1 and use a ThreadLocal for 1.2.
>> Seems plausible that this can allow Log4j to be compatible with 1.1, 1.2
>> + more.
>> Any reason why such an approach would not work?
> It is definitely feasible, it just takes time and energy. Bluntly put, I
> prefer to spend my time and energy on other things. If someone else wants
> to do it, they are free to work on log4j 1.2 or even fork.

i think that this is the crucial point - lack of developer energy. there
isn't sufficient energy amongst the core team to push onwards and retain
JDK 1.1 compatibility.

ceki has indicated that the 1.2.x release series will still be available
for JDK1.1-compliant releases. if there are enough volunteers out there
with the required time and energy then continuing the development of a JDK
1.1 compliant version, then that will happen. does anyone out there care

- robert

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