At 22:52 17.10.2002 +0100, you wrote:
JDK 1.1 support has always been a positive feature of log4j but i can
understand the arguments for switching future releases to JDK1.2.
as a consideration to users who require JDK1.1 support, it would be nice
to keep the 1.2 release series in cold storage. a link to the latest log4j
1.2 release on the web site would be good and it would also be nice to
keep the log4j 1.2 alive (somewhere) in cvs so that (if necessary) bugs
could be fixed.
There is a separate log4j 1.2 branch. We won't remove it.
- robert
TCP implementations will follow a general principle of robustness: be
conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from
others. -- Jon Postel, RFC 793
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