Howdy Jacob,

> Actually, If you look in my post, I mention more than just the
> Log4jInit servlet.  I also mention a servlet context listener 
> (SCL) called
> Log4jApplicationWatch.  I actually use that currently to do cleanup
> such as shutting down loggers and appenders of the currently used
> logger repository inside contenxtDestroyed().
> Now, I could move the initialization code from the init() of the
> Log4jInit servlet to the contextInitialized() method in
> Log4jApplicationWatch.  However, that would preclude using this type
> of initialization in a servlet-2.2 container.  However, I definitely
> think that using contextInitialized() is the way to go if you are
> assured that the container supports servlet-2.3.

Yes, I think that the code could/should be structured so that you could use
one set for servlet 2.2 and another set for servlet 2.3, with appropriate
documentation, etc.

> Actually, the main thing I'd propose is having Log4jCRS (Log4j
> Contextual Repository Selector) be included with the Log4j
> distribution.  The reasons for this are described in my post that Mark
> linked to above.

I agree with this.  If nothing else, it is good example of a repository

> Log4jInit and
> Log4jApplicationWatch need to be in a separate jar which is included
> in each app's WEB-INF/lib.  I have added all the magic I can to make
> this work reasonably well.  

Hm.  We could look at how to package things to make sense for use.

> If Ceki or you (Mark) can figure out a way
> where Log4jCRS can work without Log4jInit and Log4jApplicationWatch
> existing in each app's WEB-INF/lib, then they can be included in the
> log4j.jar.

I would have to defer to Ceki on this.  I think he is more expert on this
than me.

BUT, I do think we should move forward with getting some form of this code
into the v1.3 release.  I designate Jacob as lead for this effort. :-)  I
will be point for reviewing submitted code (though I hope others will help
with this), checking it into cvs, updating the build script to package it
correctly, etc.

Jacob, do you think you can make an "official" apache submission (with all
the correct apache headers, etc)?


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